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Douglas MercerEssays

by Douglas Mercer IN 1997 Bill Clinton told a gathering of young White college students in Oregon that America was about to embark on its third great revolution. The first being gaining independence from England, the second the ending of slavery, and the third would be when America was no longer a European…
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Classic Essays

WE GET a few letters from idealistic young Majority members lamenting that so much of what we write is full of hate. Unfortunately, in these laments our Majority idealists are demonstrating the heavy suasion of the liberal-minority party line, which paints Majority members who stand up for their…
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Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

What makes some people hate those who speak honestly about race? by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured) A HUGE VOLUME of e-mail flows into the National Office from people all over the world who are responding to our message, primarily our weekly radio broadcasts. Evelyn Hill weeds out the illiterate, incoherent,…
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Classic Essays

One of America’s most promising young poets, severed from her racial/cultural roots by the alien presence in the West, searched desperately to find those roots, then gave up in despair. by Vic Olvir from National Vanguard, No. 97, October 1983, pp. 7–14 transcribed by Matthew Peters THIS PAST February…
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