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Ur-Fascism Contra Universal Nationalism
I discuss the universal nationalism that grounds several Alternative Right and New Right groups; in opposition to it, I propose an ur-fascist alternative. by Organon tou Ontos UNIVERSAL NATIONALISM is the view that 1) every people wants its own nation, 2) every people is entitled to its own nation,…

Existential Realism
The Self is but a brief transition from and to nothingness; we can achieve self-actualization only within a natural community of racial kin.
WESTERN MAN’S most persistent difficulties have centered around his striving to attain a valid self-conceptualization, that is, to see himself as…

Homeless Jack: Breed and Eat Your Way Across the Universe
by H. Millard
“HEY MAN,” said Homeless Jack, “let me tell you a little more about Arman’s teachings.
“Arman says that we have to think in terms of ‘our people’ and ‘not our people,’ if we are to head off our extinction, expand our kind and prosper.…

The Nation As Idea
They want to suppress the idea of racial self-determination because they know it has the power to remake the world.
by Kevin Alfred Strom (American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 1, 2006)
A NATION FOUNDED on ideas or religion or on geography alone is an artificial construct. It will die when its…

Native Hawaiian Racial Nationalism and White Racial Nationalism
by H. Millard
A RECENT Internet column on an American conservative site rails against a move to give Native Hawaiians a vote on their self-determination.
I disagree strongly with those who would deny the Native Hawaiians this right as a distinct people. Of course, my position is consistent with and…

Self-Discipline and Moral Health
by Dr. William L. Pierce
WELL, the murder of White farmers and the gang-rape of White women by AIDS-infected Blacks continues apace in South Africa, as does the seizure and trashing of White farms in Rhodesia. Rhodesia’s Black dictator, Robert Mugabe, is boasting openly now of his intent to run…

Lack-of-Independence Day
American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 5, 2014
by Kevin Alfred Strom
HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY. I’m a positive person, and there is hope, so I kept the “happy” in there — even though there’s a lot…

Homeless Jack: Take the Righteous Path
by H. Millard
“SO, YOU’VE READ A LITTLE about Arman’s Teachings that I follow that constitute my religion, my philosophy and my world view and you’ve seen the lexicon that I’ve put together and you probably think you’ve seen it all, right, man?” asked…

Paul Fromm for Mayor: Our City is Full
by M.P. Shiel
CANADIAN Paul Fromm (pictured), a former schoolteacher who is either 1) a brave advocate for self-determination and free speech or 2) an evil neo-nazi bigot, depending on whether you’re talking to the man on the street or a spokesman for the immigrant lobby — has begun a campaign…

A Sense of Peoplehood Is Not a Pathology
by Michael Santomauro
IT IS NOT “racist” for a professor such as Alan Dershowitz or for a professor like Kevin MacDonald to advocate for their ethnic group interests.
The words for bigotry that are often used, such as anti-Semitic, anti-White, anti-Black, anti-Arab, anti-feminist…