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Teaching White Genocide
by Douglas Mercer IN THE BOOK Teaching White Supremacy, glorious tales are recounted of how American history used to be taught in America. The author is a paid-up member of the Jewish-run “elite,” so he ladles words like “vile” and “garbage” on such teaching. Of course it was no such thing;…

Swedish Children Reported to Police for Distributing Immigration Factsheet at Their School
A FACTSHEET on immigration has been distributed anonymously at a school in Umeå, Sweden. The flyer makes a series of factual claims about immigration and in each case cites a mainstream source where the claim can be verified. Examples include claims that:
95% of assault rapes in Sweden are committed…

The School Problem
by Dr. William L. Pierce THE EDUCATION OF America’s children is a matter of continuing controversy and anguish for many Americans, including a majority of White parents with school-age children. Americans are unhappy about the level of violence in the schools, which keeps going up, and the…

British Values Agenda
YESTERDAY WE LOOKED at the systematic rape of children by foreign invaders in the British city of Telford. These horrific immigrant crimes were allowed to go on for decades while cowardly and gelded authorities looked the other way for fear of being called “racist” by a Jew enemy that…