Posts Tagged
school shootings

Speedy Recovery
YESTERDAY WE heard about the incredible story of a Negro “yute” who opened fire in its Texas classroom and only failed to kill someone through a combination of jungle idiocy and modern surgical techniques. I thought I was done with this memory hole fodder, but the story keeps getting…

Judicial Insanity and Schoolyard Massacres
by Dr. William L. Pierce CLINTON’S SEXUAL ESCAPADES, his lying about them, and his attempts to get witnesses to lie, show us what sort of person he is. These things help us to understand what a degenerate piece of White trash we have in the White House. But they are not the really important things…

“School Protests”: A Peek Behind the Curtain
by Andrew Hamilton POST-WWII “democracies,” so-called, operate in a manner no civics textbook ever described. They are top-down affairs presented to the public with the illusion of grass roots participation and spontaneity. Such is the case with the endless Left-wing “protests,” “demonstrations,”…

The Magnitude of this Event
IT’S VERY IMPORTANT that you turn in your guns and make yourself completely defenseless. You have absolutely nothing to fear from your government or the various dark inferiors flooding your homeland. It’s the right thing to do. Look at the brave mystery meat “protesters”…

Nikolas Cruz
by Tanstaafl SCHOOL SHOOTER, ambiguous race. Shootees, a racial soup, especially Jewy. The ADL, Jews organized to Jew, knowing well the county and school is full of Jews, but not knowing much about the shooter, immediately promotes the fake news that the shooter is WHITE WHITE WHITE and did what…

Diversity is THEIR Strength: The Elites’ War on Humanity
by Dr. William L. Pierce THREE OR FOUR years ago the slogan most diligently promoted by the controlled mass media was “diversity is our strength.” Posters with this slogan and a broad, multi-hued band of stripes representing skin colors of various races were displayed in classrooms and…