Posts Tagged
SAT scores

America’s Rising Tide of Incompetence, part 2
Complex systems can’t be maintained by incompetent people. WHEN EXPLICIT EXCLUSION is used to eliminate groups like White men from selection processes, it is done subtly. Managers are told to sequester all the resumés from “non-diverse” candidates — that is, White males. These resumes are…

America’s Rising Tide of Incompetence, part 1
America: no more golden eggs if the goose is replaced by rats. Complex systems won’t survive the competence crisis.
The strength of the US now is like the continuing momentum of Achilles’ spear five seconds after he threw it and three seconds after he was killed. (Kevin Alfred Strom)

Elite College Admissions: Guess Who’s Being Cheated
A NEW study from Georgetown University reveals that if the student bodies of the 200 most selective American colleges were enrolled solely on objective SAT or ACT aptitude test scores, their student bodies would increase from 66 percent White under the current subjective system to 75 percent White.…

Educators Baffled by Stubborn Achievement Gap
“Differently Intelligent children are just as good as any other children. The failure to appreciate this is merely a form of intellectual racism. If Differently Intelligent children don’t measure up, then it is time to change the yardstick.” — Stephen Jay Goldfinger, Biologist,…

Tests Show Students Learning Less
by Dr. William L. Pierce FOR the thirteenth straight year, graduating high school seniors in 1975 were dumber than those of the year before. Nearly one million college-bound seniors took the Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SAT) offered by the College Entrance Examination Board this year, and their scores…

SAT 2010: Scores by Group
THE COLLEGE BOARD is reported to be “encouraged by [the] lack of change” in the 2010 SAT results — presumably this means they were expecting them to be worse — and, as we can see, part of this “lack of change” is the perennial reality of racial differences in performance,…