Posts Tagged

San Francisco

Douglas MercerEssays

by Douglas Mercer APPARENTLY THERE IS TROUBLE brewing in the Gay Bay. A war is brewing in San Francisco between “liberals” and “progressives.” The distinction here is razor thin, as it’s just two very similar kinds of insects. A progressive is one that wants to kill…
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Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

Matt Haney: pretty good crypsis, but the sick asymmetrical leer gives it away. by Douglas Mercer JUST RECENTLY San Francisco got their faggot hero number one Harvey Milk’s infamous name on a US Navy ship. Now the city by the bay is getting on its collective knees and apologizing to the Chinese.…
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EssaysGuest opinion

by Robert Stuart “GAY” FRENCH sex pervert and chronic denizen of San Francisco bath houses Michel Foucalut once said “society must be defended.” He was being sarcastic of course. He didn’t want society to be defended; he wanted society to collapse. He wanted it to…
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LAST WEEK, the San Francisco mayor’s office announced the launch of a government program called the “Abundant Birth Project,” which will give $1,000 per month cash payouts to “Black and Pacific Islander women” for becoming pregnant and having children. The mayor’s office stated in…
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by David Sims LET ME address myself to the police officers of San Francisco. I saw on one of Stefan Molyneux’s videos the meeting between officers in your department and members of the public on the subject of personal safety versus criminals. Some of the advice I heard seemed unsound. In particular,…
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Scott Rowitz, a Jew, is the YBCA’s chief operating officer — something that the reporter for American Renaissance failed to mention. SAN FRANCISCO’S Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA) is a large museum next to the Moscone Convention Center downtown. This non-profit is funded…
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For previous installments of this series, see Parts I, II, III, and IV Why the elites dumped on San Francisco
Of hyper-gentrification and human excrement by Peter Franklin OF ALL THE THINGS you might want to symbolise your city, the human turd is pretty much bottom of the list. Yet San Francisco, the…
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The Future of the City is Childless
America’s urban rebirth is missing something key—actual births. by Derek Thompson A FEW YEARS AGO, I lived in a walkup apartment in the East Village of New York. Every so often descending the stairway, I would catch a glimpse of a particular family with young children…
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Witness the unstoppable triumph of “our greatest strength.” ALMOST EVERYONE that goes out to visit one of our major cities on the west coast has a similar reaction.  Those that must live among the escalating decay are often numb to it, but most of those that are just in town for a visit are…
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WHITES ARE the only race on the planet concerned with justice, the rights of others, compassion toward the downtrodden and ideals higher than myopic self-interest. We have been endlessly patient and generous toward worthless and violent monsters who reward this national suicide with cities on fire,…
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