Posts Tagged
Ronald Reagan
Magic Numbers
by Revilo P. Oliver ONE OF OUR lesser gospel-gabblers is excited by a sensational discovery he has just made. Who is now the titular President of the United States? Give his full name. Ronald Wilson Reagan. Now don’t you see it? Look again. How many letters in each name? Now you have it! So it’s…
Secret Tapes: Left and Right Once Spoke Realistically About Race
President Richard Nixon (above left) in conversation at the White House with Prof. Daniel Patrick Moynihan Jewish influence is the main reason they only speak lies today; you can detect fear even in these 1971 statements. IN JULY this year the US National Archives released a previously secret tape…
Fading Illusions: D-Day and Ronald Reagan — An Interview with Mark Weber
by Kevin Alfred Strom THIS WEEK MARKS two milestones in American history: the 60th anniversary of D-Day and the death of Ronald Reagan. With us to discuss these issues today is one of the most incisive historical minds our nation has produced, the courageous researcher, scholar, and publisher,…
Hushed Skepticism About Jewish Fables in the U.S. Establishment
by Hadding Scott JOHN J. MCCLOY was Assistant Secretary of War during World War II, and U.S. High Commissioner for Germany (1949-1952) during the period when the Germans were seen primarily as allies against Communism. Here we see McCloy, left, with Robert Kennedy. After visiting Hitler’s…
North By God
by Revilo P. Oliver WE MUST SYMPATHIZE with Colonel Oliver L. North, although, of course, we cannot possibly respect him. Indeed, if he had not been a victim of perfidy and injustice, his name would excite only a moment of contemptuous amusement. Although he probably participated in boyish shenanigans…
The Bear in the Bush
by Revilo P. Oliver THE CHANGE in the cast of the perpetual comedy staged in the White House was of some minor importance. (ILLUSTRATION: Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush) Old Ronnie was a stupid galoot. According to Newsweek, he at least once sent a letter of condolence to one of the fictitious characters…
How The Jewish Neocons Brought Death and War to the World
by Paul Craig Roberts “If Killary Clinton makes it to the White House, we could get the neocon’s war. The neocons have flocked to the support of Killary. She is their person. Watch the feminized women of America put Killary in office.” WHEN Ronald Reagan turned his back on the neoconservatives, fired…
The World in False Face
Maggie Thatcher (pictured), Britain’s 80s version of Sarah Palin, and the hidden agenda behind the warmongers by Revilo P. Oliver THE CURRENT issue of News of the New World (Honeydew, South Africa) contains an excerpt from the issue of Special Office Brief for 20 June 1985. It is a clear statement…
Letter: Agnew Outraged by “Zionist Domination”
by Kevin Alfred Strom Exclusive to National Vanguard AN IMPORTANT LETTER from former US Vice President Spiro Agnew (pictured) to German-American writer and activist Hans Schmidt, written on September 24, 1982, reveals the extent to which Agnew opposed Zionist power. The letter is photographically…