Posts Tagged
Ron Paul

Video of the Day — The Ongoing Persecution, Show Trial, and Martyrdom of Julian Assange
Talk about human rights violations. The ongoing persecution of Julian Assange is totally criminal and utterly disgraceful. As far as I’m concerned, Julian Assange is a bonafide legend, a hero and an icon, and for whatever it’s worth, I salute him. — Dissident Millennial Trump’s…

Why I Don’t Trust Trump on Iran
The neocons, are, of course almost 100 per cent. Jewish — the key factor in understanding why they (and their neoliberal “opponents”) have so much blood on their hands. — Ed. by Ron Paul PRESIDENT TRUMP and his Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told us the US had to assassinate…

Jewish Power Structure Can’t Account for Trillions Looted from the Public, Demands No Changes Be Made
Editor’s Note: In a sane country the following account of the Zionist Industrial Complex would be considered a massive scandal which would result in epic fines and criminal prosecution for everyone involved. In the Jewish Empire of Satan, however, don’t expect any of the crooks and liars…

Candidate Trump: ‘I Love Wikileaks.’ President Trump: ‘Arrest Assange!’
Introductory Note by John I. Johnson: The Trump Administration’s characterization of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as a “coward” beggars belief. The greedy, evil politicians governing the world’s most powerful totalitarian regime calling one of the most courageous…

Ron Paul: Zero Chance Assad Behind Chemical Weapons Attack
ACCORDING TO former Congressman Ron Paul, the chemical weapons attack in Khan Sheikhoun that killed 30 children and has led to calls for the Trump administration to intervene in Syria could have been a false flag attack. Pointing out that the prospect of peace in Syria was moving closer before the attack,…

Ron Paul to Trump: “Shadow Government” Seeks to Destroy You
Paul’s main concern is insidious influence of warmongering, Israel-first neocons. FORMER presidential candidate Ron Paul has warned President Elect Donald Trump that the “shadow government” are going to seek to undermine and destroy his plans for America. Ron Paul told RT that Trump needs…

Rush Limbaugh’s (Incomplete) Evolution From Lackey to Critic of the Republican Establishment
A Critical Look at Rush Limbaugh by Hadding Scott
Originally Published on The Occidental Observer, 3 and 9 December 2014
Part One: “Pursuit of Excellence” vs. Getting Along by Going Along
WITH HIS MILLIONS of listeners, and the many imitators who in turn influence millions more, Rush Limbaugh has been…

A Party of Plutocrats Has No Future
by Hadding Scott
The Ideal vs. the Possible
FIRST I WANT to explain that White advocacy and electoral politics are two distinct matters. There is some relationship between the two, but they are different with their own guiding principles (especially in this winner-take-all electoral system, which…

Zionist Capo Sheldon Adelson Summons Trump for “Private Meeting” on Israel
Well, it seems as if The Donald has been summoned by the Kingmaker himself, Mr. Sheldon Adelson. YES, that kind old man who just loves to be involved in “the process” of choosing who gets into power in America. (ILLUSTRATION: Casino billionaire Donald Trump met with bigger casino billionaire Sheldon…

How the Fed’s Interest Rate Scam Robs Us Blind
by Mike King
THESE ESOTERIC (high-fallutin’) academic discussions regarding whether or not The Federal Reserve The Hebrew National Bank should raise interest rates or lower interest rates are as confusing as they are amusing. It’s confusing because – unless one has been taught…