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Aryan Culture: The Augustan Altar of Peace in Rome
by James Harting The Ara Pacis Augustae or “Augustan Altar of Peace” is a stunning piece of architecture from the earliest years of the Roman Empire. It was built as part of the civic religion of ancient Rome. The altar was commissioned by the Roman Senate in 13 BCE and completed and consecrated in 9 BCE.…

Learning from the Romans: Highly Effective Low-Tech Fighting
by David Sims LOW TECHNOLOGY street fighting, without guns, need not be without effective weaponry. Long before there were such things as explosives or gunpowder, the ancient Romans used equivalents to the rifle, the light cannon, and artillery, which were made out of wood and metal, and either corded…

Non-White Invasion of Italy: African Migrants Have Seized 100 Buildings in Rome
AFRICAN INVADERS pretending to be refugees have seized more than 100 buildings in Rome and are illegally squatting in them, the populist mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi, has admitted in the wake of recent riots, carried out by sub-Saharans who had been living in Italy for the past five years. Raggi added…

The Roman State and Genetic Pacification
Did the human “domestication” inherent in civilized society cause genetic changes? Could that partially account for the acceptance of Christianity and the rise of the more submissive male? Could this have applied not only to Rome, but to all advanced European societies?

Who We Are #12 — Nordic Latins
by Dr. William L. Pierce
Macedonian and Roman Empires Were Built by Nordics Latin Founders of Rome Came from Central Europe
THE LAST FIVE INSTALLMENTS in this series have dealt with the migrations of Nordic, Indo-European-speaking tribes from their homeland in southern Russia, beginning more than…

On the Germanic Peoples
by Revilo P. Oliver IF YOU ARE interested in the history of our unique race, you have a special interest in the Germanic peoples who, though called “barbarians” in the standard histories, assured the survival, and eventually the revival, of our civilization after the fall of the Roman…

The Age of Caesars: Without True Authority, There Is No Life
FOR HUMAN BEINGS to live together in a mutually beneficial way, there must be peace and security. Peace and security require a competent authority (Auctoritas) with the power (Potestas) to define and enforce law. Law must be grounded in a truth which, when applied, will bear the fruit of peace and security.…

Today in History: Rome Defeats the Jews in the Year 70
“On this day in 70 C.E., rebel forces in the city were vanquished. The conquest of Jerusalem was the climax of the Great Revolt, which began four years earlier with a number of attacks by Jewish rebels in the Land of Israel against Roman authorities.” EDITORS’ NOTE: What you are reading…

Italy: Massive Protests Against Non-White “Migrant” Invaders
And terrified Italian women turn against invasion: ‘It is not safe here anymore’ AN ITALIAN TOWN has been left gripped by fear after an influx of migrants has seen terrified women too scared to leave their homes. Frightened females have taken to the streets to protest against the opening…

Rome: Protest Party Wins Mayoral Election
What are the antecedents of the 5 Star Movement, whose candidate, Virginia Raggi, pictured, is now mayor of Rome? THE 5 Star Party is lead by a very colorful character, comedian Beppe Grillo. The 5 Star Party is linked to Casa Pound (named after Ezra Pound) and is often described as anti-system, anti-EU,…