Posts Tagged
Rob Reiner
Nixon and Lear
In public and by all his significant deeds, Richard Nixon loved and supported Jews and all their works. In private, he knew better but still did nothing. by Douglas Mercer IF YOU ARE EVER looking for some solid hours of entertainment may I suggest getting a comfortable chair, knocking back a couple of…
The Screeching Will Continue Until Democracy Is Saved
Rob Reiner by Tanstaafl
We are being ruled by an unchecked disturbed Sociopath, his lunatic White Supremacist followers, and Joe Manchin. We no longer live in a Democracy. (Rob Reiner, 15 Oct 2021)No prosecution of Donald Trump for his violent attack to overthrow our Government. No Voting Rights.…
We are being ruled by an unchecked disturbed Sociopath, his lunatic White Supremacist followers, and Joe Manchin. We no longer live in a Democracy. (Rob Reiner, 15 Oct 2021)No prosecution of Donald Trump for his violent attack to overthrow our Government. No Voting Rights.…
In God We Trust. Not.
IF YOU WANT TO understand the deep and complex issues of the day your first port of call should always be a Hollywood actor, some bubble-dwelling coke-head who makes his living dressing up and playing make-believe. And obviously Hollywood director Rob Reiner feels the same way because he’s commissioned …