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Andrew Tate: The Grift Intensifies
The right-wing webzine The Gateway Pundit apparently loves Andrew Tate. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 29 July, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom I SPENT SEVERAL hours of my life this month that I’ll never get back studying the mixed-race “right wing” masculinity grifter Andrew…

The German ‘Coup Plot’ Farce
Prince Heinrich XIII – Prince Reuss – was arrested on Wednesday morning at his home in Frankfurt and is accused of leading a “right-wing coup plot.” WE THOUGHT WE HAD seen every possible method of discrediting the nationalist cause, and every form of embarrassment among our so-called leaders dragging…

Conservatism Is for Losers
Healthy Whites who instinctively oppose the anti-White Establishment are being funneled by Jews and “alt right” opportunists into worthless “civic nationalist” conservatism. They need to be led instead to the uncompromising vision — of total racial victory…

The Calculated Destruction of the American Right
by Karl Radl WITH THE recent announcement that the Justice Department have formed a ‘task force’ to ‘counter’ the various ‘Boogaloo’ groups and that the Jewish-run social media giant Facebook has been actively nuking all accounts they ‘associate’ with such groups — which probably just means anyone…

Steps to Limit This
As more lectures go online because of the coronavirus pandemic, some professors are worried that what they’re teaching could be exposed to “right wing sites” and are discussing ways to limit the distribution of what they teach online. GOOD NEWS, communist indoctrination center victims! The Clown…

Jordan Peterson Dismantled
THIS IS A documentary exposing Jordan Peterson’s agenda to subvert and destroy the rising political right wing, and neutralize European nationalism. This video completely exposes Peterson’s anti-White agenda and his strategy for implementing it. Any Peterson fans who are not beyond…

Orbán, Morawiecki, Kurz, and Salvini Call for New “Axis” in Europe
Viktor Orbán joins right-wing leaders’ plan to take over EU — and predicts there will be “two civilisations” in Europe in the future Unfortunately, these leaders do not — in their public statements, at least — acknowledge the Jewish power structure as Europe’s main enemy,…

The Distorted US ‘Right Wing’ View of Europe’s Situation
by Organon tou Ontos I recently read Coulter’s answers to a series of questions put to her by Voice of Europe. Her responses reflect assumptions that are taken for granted by the Trump administration and the entire ‘right wing’ complex in the US. The root of Europe’s problems…

The Hypothetical Friend
THE GREATEST DANGER currently facing the West is the rise of the extreme right wing. They have already left a trail of atrocities far worse than anything done by the innocent lambs of Islam that we welcome to our nations because someone with a weird little cap on the back of their head said we should. We…

Germany: Identitarians Almost Succeed in Storming Justice Ministry
Members of the right-wing Identitarian movement attempted to storm the German justice ministry in Berlin on Friday over a proposed law to fight “hate speech” on social media.
ABOUT 50 people from the right-wing, anti-immigrant movement gathered before the justice ministry in the…