Posts Tagged
Richard Nixon

Nixon and Lear
In public and by all his significant deeds, Richard Nixon loved and supported Jews and all their works. In private, he knew better but still did nothing. by Douglas Mercer IF YOU ARE EVER looking for some solid hours of entertainment may I suggest getting a comfortable chair, knocking back a couple of…

History: Republicans Funded National Socialists in 1971
NSWPP Headquarters at 4375 North Peck Road, El Monte, California, 1973 How and why US Attorney General John Mitchell and the Republican party, through the “Committee to Re-Elect the President,” contributed $1,200 to the down payment for the Los Angeles headquarters of the National …

Good Morning, Mr. President!
Nixon and Moynihan by Douglas Mercer IN 1970 Daniel Moynihan told Richard Nixon that there was no evidence whatsoever that the amount of money spent on education had any effect at all on the performance of students. No data has emerged in the past half century to refute this claim. And yet the education…

Secret Tapes: Left and Right Once Spoke Realistically About Race
President Richard Nixon (above left) in conversation at the White House with Prof. Daniel Patrick Moynihan Jewish influence is the main reason they only speak lies today; you can detect fear even in these 1971 statements. IN JULY this year the US National Archives released a previously secret tape…

Jewish Merchants of Sin and Porn, part 9: Jews and Porn
by Benjamin Garland NOTE: All parts of this series may be found here.
“I am probably the epitome of everything the Nazis hated: the Jew pornographer who besmirches the pure morals of the white Aryan world. Hitler would have thought of me as the Devil incarnate.” — Al Goldstein1
AS WE SAW in part 8…

Hushed Skepticism About Jewish Fables in the U.S. Establishment
by Hadding Scott JOHN J. MCCLOY was Assistant Secretary of War during World War II, and U.S. High Commissioner for Germany (1949-1952) during the period when the Germans were seen primarily as allies against Communism. Here we see McCloy, left, with Robert Kennedy. After visiting Hitler’s…

Remembering Richard Nixon
by Andrew Hamilton MORE THAN 40 years have passed since President Richard M. Nixon’s (R.) resignation from office on August 9, 1974 as a consequence of the media-orchestrated Watergate affair. On the 40th anniversary of that event, America’s Last Conservative and longtime Nixon aide Patrick Buchanan,…

Kissinger’s Judeopolitik
by Rainer Chlodwig von K. RICHARD NIXON’S foreign policy guru Henry Kissinger is frequently categorized as a proponent of realpolitik — a “realist” in international relations — as opposed to a Zionist or a neoconservative; but, while Kissinger’s aims and those of the neoconservatives…

A Call for “Tolerance”
by Dr. William L. Pierce INTRODUCTION by Will Williams: Dr. Pierce wasn’t one to often make predictions — though some things he wrote about, such as in The Turner Diaries, came true years later: hate crime statutes, gun confiscation, and more. (ILLUSTRATION: William Pierce recording…

The Hidden Tyranny Revealed, part 3
American Dissident Voices program of 29th October, 1994 by Benjamin H. Freedman introduced by Kevin Alfred Strom WELCOME TO THE THIRD and final installment of our series on the amazing revelations of that insider to the forces which are destroying the United States of America, that insider who broke…