Posts Tagged
Rewriting history

Hiding Our “Horrific History”?
by David Sims IT WAS ASKED on Quora: “How did Whites succeed in hiding their horrific history?” Whites have a grand history. Not a horrific one. Whites are blamed more than they should be. Consider, for example, slavery. All races have practiced it. The Whites did. The Arabs did. The Jews…

Monstrosity in Montgomery
The “National Memorial for Peace and Justice” in Montgomery, Alabama. Mark our words: Soon our enemies will categorize even Blacks duly charged, tried, and convicted of horrific crimes as “victims” worthy of being memorialized. Everything we ever did will be judged as…

Lack of Diversity
The mural THERE ARE ONLY two historical events you need to know about: muh slavery and the precious six million lost to homicidal gas chambers. It would probably be best if you didn’t learn too much about even these approved scraps of the past. We don’t want you finding out about the Jewish…

Wasserman-Schultz: WW2 Headstones of German Veterans Mentioning “Leader” and “Fatherland” Must Be Removed
A Jewish supremacist American congresswoman called on the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to replace three headstones in military cemeteries bearing swastikas and invoking Hitler. “IT IS deeply troubling and terribly offensive that swastika-adorned headstones that include messages…

The Superholocaust
JOSIF Dyadkin was a Russian geophysicist who languished for years in a Gulag. It is he who researched a study that found between 43.3 and 52.1 million people died in the Soviet Union between 1928 and 1954 — 20 million in World War II, 14.7 million in slave labor camps, 10 to 16 million during the engineered…

Austria: Adolf Hitler’s Birthplace May Be Bulldozed
Despicable Austrian regime calls destroying history “the cleanest solution”; is so weak and vacillating it tries to shove its own responsibility for this evil onto a “commission of historians”; deep down they know this place has deep spiritual significance — that…

Holland: Aggressive Jews Force Textbook Changes
This time the censors didn’t get everything they wanted; aggressive demands — ongoing for many decades — are usually at least partly successful, though. A DUTCH PUBLISHER defended an assertion in a history textbook for high school students that said that cash-strapped Britain’s…

Artist and White Advocate’s Name Purged at Radford University
John Powell (pictured) was an influential musician who championed Appalachian folk music. He also helped draft and pass the Racial Integrity Act of 1924. [His name is now being obliterated from a building, but it can never be obliterated from history or the rolls of honor. As the insanity of White guilt…