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God and Revolution in the Age of Biology
by Helgar THIS IS THE Age of Biology. It has come upon us almost unaware, and certainly unwanted for existing power structures. All bureaucracies wherever they are established, in government, education and economics, are doing their utmost to keep the age from realizing itself. But it will grow, inevitable…

Is There Intelligent Life on Earth? (part 13)
by Revilo P. Oliver The Anatomy of Revolution NEW WORLDS have always been the shining bait dangled before simpletons by revolutionaries, who can never deliver what they promise. The famous Jesus is reported in the various gospels to have made all sorts of glowing promises, but Christianity nevertheless…

Why Revolution is Necessary
William Rehnquist by Dr. William L. Pierce ONE OF THE MOST interesting developments that I’ve seen since September 11 is the public hinting by people in the Federal Bureau of Investigation that it really would be helpful to them if they were permitted to torture suspects or other people from whom…

The Revolution Begins With You
This powerful message is a translation of the text from the latest publication of the Nordic Resistance Movement, THE Nordic Resistance Movement has just produced a new hard-hitting leaflet for distribution across Sweden. Entitled ‘The Revolution Begins with You’, it aims to shock its readers into…

First Words Of The New Era
selected by Blake Hood HE CONFESSED TO Else in June 1923 that he felt that he did not fit into this world. She, too, was becoming disheartened. She had written at the end of April that it was awful “the ways these bleak, grim times, unremittingly weigh us down, making you so disconsolate, so miserable.”…

France’s White Working Class in Revolt: Les Gilets Jaunes
by Hadding Scott ON THE SURFACE, the Yellow Vest movement in France is about a fuel-tax, inadequate wages, and a cut in pensions. This kind of economic complaint is still allowed in France. Under the surface, it is a revolt against the destruction of France’s White working class by haughty (of…

Odysseus’ Way
by Dr. William L. Pierce SOMETIMES AFTER I finish speaking with you in one or another of my programs, I have a bad feeling. I feel that I have let you down by not really leveling with you and telling you everything. I feel as if I have walked into the courtyard of the temple and politely reprimanded one or two…

Colin Jordan on Building National Socialism Now
by Colin Jordan Editor’s note: The following is excerpted from Colin Jordan’s essay, “National Socialism: World Creed for the Future,” first published in The National Socialist, Number 3 (Winter 1981). WITH THE gigantic tragedy of 1945, the greatest setback to human evolution in recorded history,…

The Racial Revolution and the Middle Class
Speculations of a political activist BECAUSE OF ITS inhibitions and inertia, the middle class will be the last to participate in the coming racial conflict. This means we must endeavor to reach and organize the upper and lower classes first. The middle class’s importance is primarily functional,…

Sparks from the Golden Anvil
by Veiko Hessler AN AWAKENING has taken place in European consciousness. Never before have so many minds almost independently concluded that there is something deeply and irreparably wrong with the system that rules them. Whether in Hungary, Austria, or the United Kingdom an irrepressible torrent…