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What America May Come To
…if the Jewish-communist weaponization of Blacks continues much longer. by David Sims
with additions by National Vanguard staff [THE SUN rises, just a few years from now, in a suburb twenty miles outside a burning American city, on what was until recently a high school football field. Shortly…
with additions by National Vanguard staff [THE SUN rises, just a few years from now, in a suburb twenty miles outside a burning American city, on what was until recently a high school football field. Shortly…

Real Revolution
by Matt Koehl CURRENT TALK OF REVOLUTION — armed revolution — is likely to get the gonads going and the juices flowing. But before getting too sanguine about the prospects, it might be well to step back a notch and give some thought to what we are actually talking about? Revolution — real revolution — is…

The Third American Revolution
by Douglas Mercer IN 1997 Bill Clinton told a gathering of young White college students in Oregon that America was about to embark on its third great revolution. The first being gaining independence from England, the second the ending of slavery, and the third would be when America was no longer a European…

The Revolutionary Nature of National Socialism
by Matt Koehl Foreword: This treatise by New Order Commander Matt Koehl first appeared in the Summer 1980 issue of The National Socialist, an earlier journal of the World Union of National Socialists. Written before the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was reprinted in March 1981 in booklet form. A…

Big Government
Monument Avenue, Richmond, Virginia, former United States of America, June 2020: scum taking selfies at the base of the desecrated Robert E. Lee statue. A society of such trash will be a degraded and worthless Hell on Earth, just as the crude filth they have scrawled is worthless compared to the work…

On the Cusp
Famed conservative Christian CEO of Chick-fil-A, Dan Cathy, bows down and wipes the feet of a Black rapper to “atone for White racism.” American Dissident Voices broadcast of 20 June, 2020 2020-0620 – On the Cusp.mp3 by Kevin…

There’s a Club — and You’re Not a Member
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 13 June, 2020 2020-0613 – There’s a Club – and You’re Not a Member.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom OUR CITIES are in flames. The Blacks, egged on by the cynical media Jews who are using…

The Phony, Money-Driven “Revolution”
Yes, it’s a sham in that it is not what it’s claimed to be. But it is also very real in that real people are dying and will die, and if successful, Jews will be empowered to do what they have always wanted to do to us. Think Ukraine 2014. Think NKVD. If the anti-Whites get their way, everything we…

Revolution and Legality
by Dr. William L. Pierce
National Socialist World, Winter 1968 In a sense, this essay is a precursor of [Dr. Pierce’s] shift in approach from the National Socialist White Peoples Party to the National Youth Alliance. (James Harting) TWO CLASSES of concepts which are fundamentally different…
National Socialist World, Winter 1968 In a sense, this essay is a precursor of [Dr. Pierce’s] shift in approach from the National Socialist White Peoples Party to the National Youth Alliance. (James Harting) TWO CLASSES of concepts which are fundamentally different…

In Hoc Signo Vinces
George Lincoln Rockwell by George Lincoln Rockwell The following article was written by Lincoln Rockwell, commander of the World Union of National Socialists, in 1959, three years before the formation of the World Union with Colin Jordan in the Cotswold, England, in 1962 and then revised for publication…