Posts Tagged
Revilo Oliver

The Doom of Nations
by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured)
I DO NOT KNOW WHAT, if anything, can be done to preserve a species that some judicious observers believe to be driven by a largely subconscious, but irresistible, death-wish.
In 1914, although we had the Jews on our backs, we were indubitably the dominant race on earth;…

When We Were Sane
by Revilo P. Oliver
THE PICTURE on the right is reproduced from the cover of Science News, 7 September 1991, where it appears without identification or explanation to call attention to an article about the effect of excessive use of cocaine on the foetus of pregnant women. It is obviously an advertisement…

Great Failure
by Revilo P. Oliver
THE CRUSADES are, so to speak, the continental divide of European history. They have inspired thousands of novels and romances in all European languages, of which the best known in this country is probably Sir Walter Scott’s The Talisman, a typical compound of 15% history…

Conservative Twaddle
by Revilo P. Oliver
EDITOR’S NOTE by Wilmot Robertson: Soldier of Fortune (pictured), a publication that reeks of the good old days when Northern European nations squandered their best genes on asinine colonial ventures in Asia and Africa, has lately been getting into the news for its help wanted…

The Flight From Reason
by Revilo P. Oliver
I HAVE HAD TO comment from time to time on the “creation scientists,” who are one of the most ominous phenomena of our darkling age. They are alarming because they are not professional theologians, marketing their “transcendental” wares, nor yet ignorant…

Revilo Oliver: Autobiographical Note
by Revilo P. Oliver (c. 1985)
I WAS BORN near Corpus Christi, Texas, on 7th July, 1908. (ILLUSTRATION: Revilo Oliver in 1938)
My first name, an obvious palindrome, has been the burden of the eldest or only son for six generations.
I was sent to a high school in Illinois. After two years of it, including an…

Everything Normal
by Revilo P. Oliver
Part I ALTHOUGH American Conservatives hope to restore the American Republic, they generally oppose change in all other matters, and hold steadfastly to their old faith in “democracy.” They must therefore derive satisfaction from the assurance that all is normal…
Part I ALTHOUGH American Conservatives hope to restore the American Republic, they generally oppose change in all other matters, and hold steadfastly to their old faith in “democracy.” They must therefore derive satisfaction from the assurance that all is normal…

Restoring the Republic
by Revilo P. Oliver
DURING THE PAST several years, every month or six weeks on the average, I have received an impassioned essay from some gentleman who has discovered a way to restore the American Republic by Constitutional means. The essays range from twenty to two hundred or more pages; some are loose…
DURING THE PAST several years, every month or six weeks on the average, I have received an impassioned essay from some gentleman who has discovered a way to restore the American Republic by Constitutional means. The essays range from twenty to two hundred or more pages; some are loose…

Benjamin Freedman: Defector from Jewish Supremacism, Part 1
A question often asked is “Why hasn’t someone broken ranks and exposed Jewish hypocrisy and power?” The answer is that Benjamin Freedman did exactly that.
by Kevin Alfred Strom
Former Zionist operative and Jewish defector Benjamin Freedman is shown here with a 1960 edition of …

The Rare Sense
by Revilo P. Oliver
I CONTINUALLY have to marvel at the rarity of common sense in our people generally and particularly in Christians, including, of course, the Marxist and “Liberal” sects. The latest example is the Christian News for 1 December. (ILLUSTRATION: Herman Otten, publisher…