Posts Tagged
Revilo Oliver

The Most Well-Educated Man I Ever Knew
by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured)
THE UNITED STATES HAS BECOME a nation of boobs. This is partly the work of the public boob-hatcheries, which operate to prevent their victims from being educated. After a brain has been soaked and pickled in “One World” pus, it becomes incapable of coherent thought about…

Afterthoughts on Afterlife
A thought-provoking article on the spiritual nature of our race, written by R. P. Oliver, one of the greatest writers and thinkers of the last 100 years. — Kevin Alfred Strom.
by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured with his wife Grace in 1990) WE DO NOT KNOW when or how or by whom the notion of a life after death was…
by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured with his wife Grace in 1990) WE DO NOT KNOW when or how or by whom the notion of a life after death was…

White Liberals to Become Extinct
When stronger hands arrive to pick up the pieces of a destroyed America, will they be our hands?
by Kevin Alfred Strom (pictured)
REVILO OLIVER’S ESSAY on “liberalism” of the multiracialist variety — which has very little to do with classical liberalism — should be…

The Price of the Head
A distinguished professor looks at an egregious case of corruption in the academy — corruption that contributed to the deaths of thousands of Americans and the betrayal of a sacred trust.
by Revilo P. Oliver
AT LONG LAST, we have a definitive solution of the Langer Mystery, which has puzzled observers…

The Jewish Religion
by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured)
WHILE IT IS scarcely possible that Jews do not know they are practicing deceit and fraud when they cozen goyim, it is likely that they feel much as do members of our race when they shoot deer or ducks from blinds, but we can only make precarious guesses about their own feelings…

The Jewish Psyche
by Revilo P. Oliver
IT IS ALWAYS extremely difficult for a member of one race to understand, or even to appraise fairly, the mentality of another race. I have often commented on a puzzling aspect of the Jewish mind, the strange desinvolture — no, it’s more than that: the downright negligence with…

The Three American Eras
by Revilo P. Oliver
THE JEWS ARE a unique race, parasitic and predatory, evidently formed from hybrid stock (including, according to Mourant’s haematological analysis, c. 10% of Congoid blood) in the way described in Sir Arthur Keith’s theory of human evolution.
The parasites find, seemingly by…

History and Biology
by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured)
HISTORY IS the record of what men do. Scientific discoveries and technological applications of them are often events of historical importance, but do not affect our understanding of the historical process since they shed no light on the behavior of men in civilized societies.…

The Final Secret of Pearl Harbor
by Revilo P. Oliver
I HAVE just seen the disclosure of a crucial historical fact, hitherto kept profoundly secret by the rulers of the United States, which will force you, as it has forced me, drastically to revise our understanding of recent history. It is an article, entitled “Tigers of a Different…

Revilo Oliver on Francis Parker Yockey
by Tanstaafl
REVILO PENDLETON OLIVER’S critique of Yockey, and by extension Oswald Spengler and philosophers of history more generally, is far more erudite and articulate than anything I could possibly muster.
Both Yockey and Oliver (pictured) dedicated themselves to analyzing and diagnosing…