Posts Tagged
Revilo Oliver
Much Ado About Nothing
by Revilo P. Oliver
EVERYONE HAS NOTICED the prolonged uproar over The Satanic Verses, a book by a wog named Rushdie, who, in the published photographs, looks like a Jew.
The trouble started in a British provincial town, where a thousand or more Moslems rioted. Most of them, no doubt, knew enough English…
The Great Revilo Oliver: The Jewish Plague, part 3
A rational look at the Jewish Question from ancient Alexandria to the present day
American Dissident Voices broadcast of August 26, 2017
by Kevin Alfred Strom
I HAVE TITLED this series of broadcasts “The Jewish Plague,”…
The Great Revilo Oliver: The Jewish Plague, part 2
Why are the Jews attacking the very existence of our race? What is their motivation? — A rational look at the Jewish Question
American Dissident Voices broadcast of August 19, 2017
by Kevin Alfred Strom
WHY IS IT important to study…
The Great Revilo Oliver: The Jewish Plague, part 1
What should our attitude be toward the Jews? — A rational look at the Jewish Question
American Dissident Voices broadcast of August 12, 2017
by Kevin Alfred Strom
REVILO PENDLETON OLIVER (pictured above) was my friend and my mentor,…
Daubing Swastikas: An Honored Jewish Tradition
Having fun
by Revilo P. Oliver
EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE a Jew in some community in this country has a romp. He paints a swastika on the side of his barn or his store or his house or a synagogue and then yells for the local press. A photographer rushes out and poses a couple beside the horrid swastika — usually…
Thomas Wolfe and the End of the Old America
by Revilo P. Oliver
THOMAS WOLFE was the last great master of English prose, and the greatest as well as the last writer to describe contemporary American life and portray its disorganized and fractured culture, undistorted by the astigmatism and illusions that are charitably called ‘ideology.’…
Surprise! Surprise?
The Middle East quagmire explained as it happened; October 1990
by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured) IT IS NOT remarkable that Iraq’s invasion and occupation of Kuwait took me by surprise, but we are assured that the Jews’ government in Washington was equally surprised. That is hard to believe.…
by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured) IT IS NOT remarkable that Iraq’s invasion and occupation of Kuwait took me by surprise, but we are assured that the Jews’ government in Washington was equally surprised. That is hard to believe.…
In Black and White
by Revilo P. Oliver
AMERICANS WITH very retentive memories can still recall the obscene farce staged by veteran comedians in the Senate when they pretended to be in doubt about the appointment of a Congoid to the Revolutionary Tribunal in Washington, which is still called the Supreme Court. Some who…
Making “Social Science”
Did Alfred Kinsey fake his sex research?
by Revilo P. Oliver (pictured, with his wife Grace Needham Oliver, in 1966)
WHEN Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey, employed by the Rockefeller Foundation, published the first of his two books (1) in 1948, I paid no attention to it, assuming that it was just another bundle of…
The Los Angeles Riots
by Revilo P. Oliver (1992)
MY ARTICLE on Negro superiority in the May issue of Liberty Bell was in print before events in Los Angeles gave it an emphatic confirmation.
Consider what happened. If, let us say, an Italian had led the police on a breakneck chase at a hundred miles an hour, been stopped by a roadblock…