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Republicans are the Party of Death
The “Democratic” wing of the System is no less in thrall to Jewish power — but is less fanatically willing to sacrifice everything to immediately immolate Israel’s enemies.
INTRODUCTORY NOTE by Paul Craig Roberts: Like myself, Pat Buchanan has given up on Republicans.…

The Jews Behind the Meteoric Rise of Tom Cotton
Maverick Jewish journalist Philip Weiss reveals just who’s been grooming “war hero” Senator Cotton.
THE LETTER BY those 47 Senators is getting scorned and abused nationwide. The hashtag #47Traitors has been trending on twitter. Huffpo speculates that it was “treason.” And…

Americans Seek Treason Charges Against 47 Republican Senators
Tens of thousands of Americans have signed a petition to the White House demanding treason charges against 47 Republican senators who attempted to sabotage President Barack Obama’s efforts to reach a nuclear accord with Iran.
OVER 155,000 people by Wednesday had signed the petition against…

Criteria for a White Future
An Editorial by Dr. William Pierce
WHEN A SENSITIVE, intelligent, racially conscious White American observes the hellish business of racial and cultural destruction going on all around him, he ordinarily reacts in one of two ways: he becomes involved in one brand or another of conservative or right-wing…

America’s First Third World Election
by Matt Parrott
OUR COUNTRY HAD a good long run at being a first world democracy, one in which White folks were pitted against one another in a battle of ideas. Now, for the first time in history, we’re pitted against the anti-White “Cosmic Coalition” in a battle of identities. After…

Jim Russell Sues Attackers: $1 Million Each
by Kevin Alfred Strom
CANDIDATE JIM RUSSELL, the rising star of New York politics who was recently dropped by the Republican party — and viciously attacked as a “Nazi” and “hater” by the controlled media — for daring to write an article on race and culture for…

The Giuliani Syndrome
The media image of Republicans like Giuliani is very different from the reality.
by Kevin Alfred Strom
TODAY I’LL BE pulling back the curtain on an important but little-discussed meeting which took place in Vienna, Austria, a meeting attended by former New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani (pictured)…

New York Republicans Attack Their Own Candidate
by John W.B. Huie
NOW I’VE SEEN it all. The Stupid Party — er, I mean the Republican party — is threatening to sue Jim Russell (pictured), one of its own candidates. According to the Associated Press today, Republican officialdom in New York’s Westchester County, a suburb…

Why Conservatives Can’t Win
As we approach another election in which decent Americans may be fooled by the ‘conservative’ charade of Fox News and the Republican party’s handlers, the far-seeing vision of William Pierce as expressed in this 1971 essay is more needed than ever. — Ed.
by Dr. William L.…
by Dr. William L.…