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Anti-White Jewish stooge McCain — a vicious warmonger against Russia, Iran, and any country independent of Zionism — is also banned from entering Russia. RUSSIAN PROSECUTORS have recognized the International Republican Institute NGO headed by US Senator John McCain as an undesirable…
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How politicians are bought in America JUSTIN FAREED is a 28-year-old Republican and a former UCLA Bruins running back. In his first bid of Congress in 2014 he did not make it past the primary. This year? He has already racked up more than $1M in donations and more than 80% of that money is coming in from people…
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Classic EssaysDave NeesanWilliam Pierce

As we approach another election in which decent Americans may be fooled by the ‘conservative’ charade of Fox News and the Republican party’s handlers, the far-seeing vision of William Pierce as expressed in this 1971 essay is more needed than ever. — Ed.
by Dr. William L.…
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by Kevin MacDonald IT’S ALWAYS BEEN obvious that Hillary as president is just fine with the neocons. After all, she voted for the Iraq war and was instrumental in the disaster in Libya. She supported sending arms to Syrian rebels and likened Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, to Hitler.…
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INTRODUCTION by John I. Johnson: Last night CBS News had a heart-tugging interview with Hillary. She described how she’d been bullied as a child — she was so shy and withdrawn, et cetera. But her heroic mother — who, if I recollect in the story (my mind shuts off during these things),…
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by John Calhoun IT IS THE beginning of a new year. Winter’s chill will be coming to an end in a couple of months’ time and we will witness the symbolic rebirth of Spring. Having a close link to the agrarian past of the South through my grandparents, I feel these seasons deep within my spirit. Spring is a time…
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PATHETIC America: The current leading candidates for the 2016 US Presidential election can be described thus: Republicans: 1. A real estate billionaire/reality TV star who is beloved by White racialists and right-wing gamesters despite being an ignorant buffoon, defending affirmative action,…
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EssaysKevin Alfred Strom

by Kevin Alfred Strom IF YOU WATCH FOX NEWS or read political blogs you probably have a headache from all the accusations of “fascism” bouncing back and forth from left to right and back again. “Obama’s a fascist!” “Rush is a fascist!” “Bush is a fascist!” “The Zionists are fascists!” “Your grandmother’s…
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WHEN ISRAELI PM NETANYAHU visited the US at the invitation of then House Speaker John Boehner in March, the take-home message was that support for Israel had become a partisan issue, with strong Republican support and relatively weak, dwindling Democrat support. Indeed, the Democrats have an analogous…
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IN A CLASSIC scene from Jean Shepherd’s A Christmas Story, a school boy is “triple dog dared” to stick his tongue to a metal utility pole on a frozen day. The tongue gets stuck, and nothing the gang does can free the boy from the pole. Similarly, Rubio, Fiorina, Kasich, Bush, and the rest of the Zio dwarfs…
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