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CommentaryDouglas MercerEssays

Kristi Noem at the “Monster Energy Team Challenge,” 11 July 2020 by Douglas Mercer KRISTI Noem is that patriotic lady that MAGA-boomers love to love; she’s smoking hot and unlike that other snowbound populist beauty, Sarah Palin, from time to time she can put a word or two together…
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EssaysGuest opinionNews

Best buds. by John Randolph THEY REALLY should do to Israel-supporting, Scofield Bible-reading, “end times”-hoping, and Jew-loving American Christian evangelicals what they did to poor Malcolm McDowell at the end of A Clockwork Orange; that is, forcibly make them watch a video. The…
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by Robert Stuart SO THE FORMERLY great American Southern state of Georgia is now sending a Black and a Jew to the United States Senate. Yet another sign of the end of the Old America. Blacks and Jews together destroyed the real South — and now they reap the benefits. Funny how that works out. If this…
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The 2020 U.S. presidential election has been a disaster of biblical proportions, an embarrassment even by the standards of a third world country, and although we can’t pronounce with certainty what exactly transpired state by state, it seems obvious to me and most other red-pilled Americans
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IF WATCHING a Midwestern city burn to the ground over a Negro criminal who couldn’t even be bothered to die isn’t satisfying your wildest “decline and fall” fantasies, there’s always the Republican Convention. We’re all looking forward to the phony tough…
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THERE’S NO QUESTION that American bastions of power — business, courts, intelligence services, media, ivy league universities — are firmly in the grip of Jewish oligarchs and the 10-15% of upper middle class professionals that form their second estate. Conservatives, with the exception…
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Texas “conservative” Republican Randy K. Weber: “Yes, holy Chosen People, I will introduce the bill you wrote that defines White dissent as ‘domestic terrorism’ and will put Whites who write forbidden slogans in prison for 25 years — and I’ll do it right…
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IT’S VERY IMPORTANT that we show our support for the Jew-loving blowhard as he battles the “dumb-o-crat” witch hunt. Our precious democracy, a system that honestly believes a mob of 70 I.Q. brown dullards bused to polls by Jew scumbags are full of preternatural wisdom, must be saved…
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AS MOST OF YOU already know, I’m a staunch Republican in the proud tradition of Mitt Romney and that sweaty guy who was one of the less offensive versions of Latino. I believe in liberty, small government, free markets, buggery, our great ally Israel, fighting “socialism,” more…
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by Dissident Millennial WHEN THE HEADLINES of a culture become indistinguishable from satire, that culture is beyond parody. Such is the case with a recent Medium post by Kelly Tyler titled “I’ve Had Sex With Well Over 100 Men, but That Does Not Define me as a Slut”. What is your number?…
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