Posts Tagged
Refugee Crisis

Brown Apex Predator
Krishanti Vignarajah by Douglas Mercer MARTIN LUTHER hated the Jews but what did he think of the Sri Lankans? He probably didn’t think of them at all, but if he had he wouldn’t have thought much of them. But now a big wig wog from that country is living in America, has been educated at our expense…

Non-White Invasion of Italy: African Migrants Have Seized 100 Buildings in Rome
AFRICAN INVADERS pretending to be refugees have seized more than 100 buildings in Rome and are illegally squatting in them, the populist mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi, has admitted in the wake of recent riots, carried out by sub-Saharans who had been living in Italy for the past five years. Raggi added…

Wikileaks: Migrant Crisis Caused by Deliberate Destabilization of Mideast
by John Young WITH THE discussions about refugees, it is common to forget that the current refugee crisis didn’t exist just a few years ago. Where did it come from? It came from the dangerous destabilization of the Middle East, sponsored by the Obama Administration and overseen by Hillary Clinton.…

Generation Europa: Anonymous Journalist States “Migrant” Invasion of Europe Is Centrally Planned and Organized
I ACCIDENTALLY happened to come across a journalist from Europe (I won’t say where she was from as I want to protect her identity) who is currently writing an article about the European “refugee” crisis. She told me she had journalist friends from Sweden and Germany and that they…

Austria: “Like It or Lump It” — Invaders to Be Given €1-an-Hour Jobs Until They Learn to Speak German
It’s good to make them feel unwelcome — but bad to teach them our languages. What is really needed is not any of these stupid halfway measures, but full-on race-based Whites-only citizenship coupled with mass deportation of non-Whites.
MIGRANTS in Austria could be paid just €1-AN-HOUR…

Pope Wants More Rapefugees for Poland
WE ARE IN the middle of ideological total war between the forces of globalism and nationalism. The outcome of this struggle of ideas will determine our future: open borders, foreign invasion, collapsing rule of law, chaos, mayhem and hate or a return to the sanity of shared national vision, culture,…

The Other Europe
EUROPE isn’t doing so well these days. It may be difficult to remember now, in the aftermath of Angela Merkel and George Soros’ manufactured “Refugee” Crisis of 2015, but prior to the open borders mania that was thrust upon Europe that year, the Old World was suffering from a litany of other crises…

Turning Disappointment to Advantage
by Mike Walsh WHEN INVITED to address the prestigious London Forum event due to be held in Central London on July 2nd a variety of reasons precluded my being there. It was regrettable but unavoidable. Here was opportunity — a rare chance to meet old comrades and new. Set against such a wonderful…