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Revolt Against All That Was Old And Rotten
We are rapidly approaching this moment in America. THERE WERE five million unemployed in Germany in 1931; industrial production had dropped by one third in two years. During the same period the membership of both the Communist and National Socialist youth organizations doubled, a political symptom…

Radicalization Intensifies
by Lucas Hood IN THE aftermath of the recent action in New Zealand and the resulting outrage from the System politicians and the System’s media, the typical person on the street is much more apathetic than usual. This is good. The System’s moralizing and outrage-mongering has now run the…

Odysseus’ Way
by Dr. William L. Pierce SOMETIMES AFTER I finish speaking with you in one or another of my programs, I have a bad feeling. I feel that I have let you down by not really leveling with you and telling you everything. I feel as if I have walked into the courtyard of the temple and politely reprimanded one or two…

Who’s Really the Extremist? – On the Insanity of Today’s Overton Window
This is the text of F. Roger Devlin’s talk delivered at the third meeting of the Scandza Forum in Stockholm on April 7, 2018 and at the first Awakening Conference in Helsinki on April 8, 2018. Toward the New Mainstream by F. Roger Devlin We supporters of the nationalist cause are the spokesmen for certain…

The Triumph of Pretended Implied Implicit Faux Petty Nationalism
American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 1, 2017 by Kevin Alfred Strom I WAS DONE with Trump before being done with Trump was cool — almost before it was even a thing, actually. I was done with Trump just a few minutes after I heard…

Why Conservatives Can’t Win
As we approach another election in which decent Americans may be fooled by the ‘conservative’ charade of Fox News and the Republican party’s handlers, the far-seeing vision of William Pierce as expressed in this 1971 essay is more needed than ever. — Ed. by Dr. William L.…

Revisiting Tom Wolfe’s Radical Chic (1970)
by Andrew Hamilton
I STOPPED reading contemporary literature — works by living novelists and short story writers — when I was in my late teens or early twenties. I found it aesthetically and intellectually unrewarding. The sole exception was the work of journalist-turned-novelist Tom Wolfe, the…

Animated Youtube Character Part of Jewish/US Strategy to “Combat Radicalization” “Abdullah-X” urges young Muslim invaders to be “moderate” A MUSLIM cartoon character with a British working class accent is intended to prevent radicalization, speaking about Syria, women’s rights, and the “real…

Conservatism or Radicalism? A Call for a Spiritual Elite
The following text is a transcript of the talk given by Attack! editor Dr. William Pierce at the weekly meeting of the National Alliance on January 16, 1977.
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured) CONSERVATIVE AND right-wing political groups are concerned with a number of problems these days: forced school…

General Wesley Clark Calls for Putting “Disloyal” Americans in Internment Camps RETIRED US Army General Wesley Clark called for the internment of persons deemed “disloyal” to the United States government in an interview with MSNBC last Friday. Warning of the threat posed by “lone wolf” attacks similar to last week’s mass…