Posts Tagged
racial mixing
The Real Lessons of Vietnam
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 19 October, 2019 by Kevin Alfred Strom 2019-1019 – The Real Lessons of Vietnam.mp3 A FEW WEEKS ago, National Alliance Chairman William White Williams sent me his transcription of a classic article…
Ode to a Mudshark
by A.D. I WANT to be free of you but I can’t. There is a connection between you and me that transcends time. It transcends life. It transcends the conscious human experience in ways that we cannot understand with our limited minds. I can’t make it stop no matter what I do. And, one way or another,…
Yet Another Jew Gives a Prescription for Getting Rid of White People
ERIC Kaufmann’s Whiteshift: Populism, Immigration, and the Future of White Majorities is a book about the future of White majorities in Western nations written by someone whose biography reads like a send up of multiculturalism: born in Hong Kong to a Jewish father and mixed Costa Rican/Chinese mother,…
Tulsi Gabbard and the Browning of America
Tulsi Gabbard’s 2013 official congressional portrait. Interestingly, it has been airbrushed (digitally altered). Though pretty, other pictures reveal that she has facial pockmarks. by Andrew Hamilton TULSI Gabbard? I learned of her existence because some White racialists are touting her for…
Mixed-Race People Have More Psychological Disorders
by Hadding Scott THIS FINDING of two University of California researchers is consistent with E.R. Jaensch’s theory of race-mixture as a cause of personality disorders. The Jews constitute a source of social problems, according to Jaensch, because they are a people of mixed racial origin.…
France: “White Sexual Predators and Brown Saviors” Propaganda
HERE ARE TWO of the ads from a new French government propaganda initiative aimed at tackling sexual harassment: “Reacting can change everything.” Now anyone who has ever watched even a small selection of the many real life films women have made showing themselves being sexually harassed on the street…
Is Tara McCarthy White?
by Andrew Hamilton Related story: “Should Lauren Southern Be Married?” IT IS A MISTAKE to assume we always know who’s White and who isn’t, that it is an easy thing to discern, something we don’t need to think about and can just take for granted. Replacement migration, rapidly changing demographics,…
The Denigration of Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson, a lifelong opponent of mixing with Blacks, is commonly accused by anti-Whites of having fathered children by a mulatto slave — but it is extremely unlikely the allegation is true. Introductory Note: Neither the conservative nor the liberal side in this debate likes to acknowledge…
Promise Keepers
by Dr. William L. Pierce IF YOU WATCH the news on television regularly, I’m sure you saw the huge get-together of so-called “Promise Keepers” in Washington a couple of weeks ago: hundreds of thousands of mostly White men hugging each other, holding hands, and rocking back and forth…
Reformers in the Postbellum South: John C. Calhoun II and Alfred Holt Stone
by Andrew Hamilton IN THE CHAOTIC aftermath of the Civil War a struggle ensued within and outside the South between a faction of Radicals harboring animus toward the White race, and sensible men favoring a modus vivendi between the Whites of both sections. Many Radicals hated Whites, or at least Southern…