Posts Tagged
Racial Elites

War, Elites, and Population Pressure
In the case of the West, the predatory elite — “the 1%” — consists of Jews.
by David Sims
LEE CAMP wrote: “99% of us are good-hearted people who respect others and want peace. The other 1% rule the world and tell us we’re at war.”
There’s a little more…

The Elites Know We’re Right
by Kevin Alfred Strom
RECENTLY the New York Times published an opinion piece by Anglo-Dutch journalist Ian Buruma, whose specialty is Far Eastern affairs, which contained some very interesting admissions. For one, he states that the book market in Japan has an “insatiable appetite”…

A Tribute to Dr. Revilo P. Oliver
by Kevin Alfred Strom (1994)
ON AUGUST 10, 1994, for the first time in my life, I suddenly found myself living in a universe which did not contain Revilo Pendleton Oliver.
As a child, I often wondered what it would have been like to know Poe or Jefferson. We who have had the rare honor of knowing Dr. Oliver…