Posts Tagged
Racial Diversity

Our Enemy’s Fragility
by David Sims RACIAL DIVERSITY IS NOT a strength. It is a source of needless trouble and unending conflict. For but one example, simply keep the races separated, with each secure in its own space, and you will better than halve the rate of violent crime. Even if, by some miracle, you could momentarily halt…

Yes, Racial Diversity Creates Distrust
by David Sims (Commentary on “Does Diversity Create Distrust?” by Daisy Grewal, Scientific American) THERE ARE flaws in Grewal’s thinking that might arise from an implicitly racist definition of racism on her part. The racism in the definition of racism consists of some notion…

Richard McCulloch’s The Racial Compact – Part One – The Evolutionary Basis of Racial Diversity
Below is a condensed version of Richard McCulloch’s modern classic The Racial Compact: A Call for Racial Preservation, Racial Independence, Racial Rights and Racial Good Will. This series of essays calls for “a new concept of racial relations that promotes the continued existence,…

What Diverse Countries Really Look Like
WE ARE OFTEN told that ethnic diversity is a strength. Given this, we should expect that diverse countries are, in various ways, better than homogenous ones. Let’s take a look at how accurate this expectation is. To look at this question empirically, I used data on life expectancy, life satisfaction,…

Confirmed: “Diversity” Destroys Trust, Causes Social Disintegration
A RECENT study from Denmark assesses, much as Robert Putnam did, the impact of diversity and consequent raised levels of distrust on society. As if trying to soften the blow, this study limits impact to very immediate experience:
The results show that ethnic diversity in the micro-context affects…

How Small Genetic Differences Create Racial Diversity
WHEN the Human Genome Project was completed in 2000, it was widely touted that its result showed no genetic basis for race. In fact some scientists of the liberal-left consensus went so far as to dub race a “biological fiction”. Developments since then have clearly demonstrated that quite small genetic…

Diversity & Evolution
by Michael Woodbridge MANY Racial Loyalists have come to the conclusion that racial diversity is not such a bad thing; if only it really meant diversity, or “Separate Development”! The purpose of this brief essay is to point out the short comings of such a concept. The Apartheid system of racial segregation…