Posts Tagged
Racial dispossession

The Law of the Blood, part 2
by Douglas Mercer IN 1907 Indiana passed the first sterilization law in the world, aimed at culling the unfit from the gene pool; within two decades a total of 33 states had followed suit. Unlikely allies Margaret Sanger and Madison Grant worked together to lower the birth rate of non-Whites. Woodrow…

The Law of the Blood, part 1
by Douglas Mercer ROUGHLY SPEAKING, in the first third of the 20th century, elites all over the White world began to realize that White mastery of the world was not an a given, eternal thing — began to realize that it needed to be won again. So they waged war, first with the pen and then with applied…

The Fire This Time
by Douglas Mercer “ANTI-RACISM” has become a kind of mass hysteria or a moral panic. “Liberal” Whites are like monks of the olden days who self-flagellated or put on hair shirts. For them, “anti-racism” is not a way to solve a social problem but a means to rid themselves…

Richard McCulloch’s The Racial Compact – Part Four – Separation for Preservation
Below is a condensed version of Richard McCulloch’s modern classic The Racial Compact: A Call for Racial Preservation, Racial Independence, Racial Rights and Racial Good Will. This series of essays calls for “a new concept of racial relations that promotes the continued existence, independence…

Canadians, Serve Your New Masters: Accept Your Dispossession With a Bow, a Scrape, and a Servile Smile
Looking at the YouTube view counts, this worthy Elections Canada campaign is really making an impact and is definitely worth the millions it doubtlessly cost the White taxpayers of Canada. by Richard Ward IN A 30 second commercial that has been filling TV screens for a week now, Elections Canada encourages…

Thinking about a White Future
This famous and deeply moving broadcast has also been published under the title “Why We Fight” by Dr. William L. Pierce NEARLY EVERY time I’ve spoken with you it has been about the problems our people are facing: a corrupt, treasonous, and degenerate government which seems hell-bent…

Columbus Day Out, “Indigenous Peoples” Day In
by Andrew Hamilton COLUMBUS DAY out, “Indigenous Peoples” Day in (1:54) the “news” announced yesterday. And it was news to me. A local television station informed viewers that St. Paul, Minnesota has begun formally celebrating “Indigenous Peoples Day” instead of Columbus Day; Minneapolis began…