Posts Tagged
Racial Discrimination

Peaceful Neighborhoods Are Racist
Faribault, Minnesota by Douglas Mercer IT’S SAID that in 2020 Trump pandered to the Negroes and the Mestizos, but not to Whites. He certainly did the former in the most craven way imaginable, but it’s not altogether true that he didn’t talk to the Whites. He certainly didn’t…

The Law of the Blood, part 2
by Douglas Mercer IN 1907 Indiana passed the first sterilization law in the world, aimed at culling the unfit from the gene pool; within two decades a total of 33 states had followed suit. Unlikely allies Margaret Sanger and Madison Grant worked together to lower the birth rate of non-Whites. Woodrow…

The Law of the Blood, part 1
by Douglas Mercer ROUGHLY SPEAKING, in the first third of the 20th century, elites all over the White world began to realize that White mastery of the world was not an a given, eternal thing — began to realize that it needed to be won again. So they waged war, first with the pen and then with applied…

For Discriminating Thinkers
by David Sims LEFTIST VALUES have become so deeply embedded in our politics that we unthinkingly accept them as positive values. One of these values is that racial discrimination is a bad thing, an irrational thing, which must be extirpated from society. Getting rid of racial discrimination is supposed…

A Birth Defect That Hinders Development of Racial Discrimination
by Hadding Scott PROBABLY MANY OF US have noticed that people with strange views and strange tendencies also often look strange. You may have said about some such person, “There’s something wrong with him.” There may be a sound instinct underlying such observations. It could very…