Posts Tagged
Racial consciousness

René Binet and his “Theory of Racism,” part 6: Birth of a Racial Consciousness
by René Binet From Théorie du Racisme, 1950,
Translation by M.M. & Hadding Scott, 2016
BUT IN THE END nobody can permanently oppose the laws of his own race, and all the development of the existing societies is only a long struggle of the biologically healthy forces against the anti-natural rules…
Translation by M.M. & Hadding Scott, 2016
BUT IN THE END nobody can permanently oppose the laws of his own race, and all the development of the existing societies is only a long struggle of the biologically healthy forces against the anti-natural rules…

Love Your Race 2021
Click on the picture to download this Love Your Race flier (one of many different versions and languages available) in high resolution — then print in mass quantities to distribute and post in your community this month. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 13 February, 2021…

A New Educational System
by Dr. William L. Pierce
and National Alliance staff A PROPER educational system serves three purposes: It passes a people’s cultural, intellectual, and spiritual heritage from generation to generation; it teaches skills and techniques; and it guides the character development of individuals…
and National Alliance staff A PROPER educational system serves three purposes: It passes a people’s cultural, intellectual, and spiritual heritage from generation to generation; it teaches skills and techniques; and it guides the character development of individuals…

The Best Thing You’ve Ever Done and the Best Words You’ve Ever Spoken
by Insitor Messor DON’T BE servile. Always be ready to act in the interests of our people, and act with quiet, assertive confidence. I took a woman on a date to a restaurant on New Year’s Eve. In the back was a group of our beloved African-American equals, making enough noise to be, well, distasteful.…

Hidden, Lost, and Forgotten
1 THE WHITE RACE today is a lost and forgotten city: overgrown by wild weeds and ivy vines. The stone walls of our city, nearly unrecognizable, are covered by moss and mold, and are filled with many cracks.
Tall trees with wild and untamed branches shroud over ancient castles and temples, casting a shadow…
Tall trees with wild and untamed branches shroud over ancient castles and temples, casting a shadow…

The Collective Racial Immune System
by Racial Consciousness 1 YOU, individually, are the product of your parents. Everything, collectively, is the product of Nature. In the same way that you inherit the qualities of your parents, so too do you inherit the qualities of Nature, of the natural order. 2 The microcosm reflects the macrocosm,…

Bringing Racial Consciousness to Social Media
The man behind the Twitter handle Will Westcott (@westland_will) is an exceptional talent who manages to bring meaning and purpose to an otherwise senseless platform through his jarring and substantive commentary. I just created an account myself to follow him. * * *
Source: Twitter…
Source: Twitter…

The West Doesn’t Export Freedom — We Export Porn, Casual Sex, and the Blood of the Pre-Born
NATIONS AND CULTURES are fragile things. I was reflecting on this some time ago, reading through the work of that great Russian novelist and historian Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who saw with rare clarity of vision what the nihilist secularism of the Soviet state had done to millions of people. Signs…

Human Dignity: A Racial Ethic
A Cosmotheist lecture never before transcribed by Dr. William L. Pierce I WANT TO talk to you some more this evening about ethics and about behavior, in particular about the way in which we should behave. Last week we saw a couple of interesting films on man’s origins and on animal behavior, and let me remind…

Confederate Flags and Other Distractions
by Dr. William L. Pierce WHAT THE Roman emperors learned 2,000 years ago about keeping the urban rabble from becoming restless by supplying them with lots of spectacles in the Colosseum still works. I get a lot of letters from listeners who are pretty good examples of this sort of thing: people who are…