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Existential Realism
The Self is but a brief transition from and to nothingness; we can achieve self-actualization only within a natural community of racial kin.
WESTERN MAN’S most persistent difficulties have centered around his striving to attain a valid self-conceptualization, that is, to see himself as…

Human Dignity: A Racial Ethic
A Cosmotheist lecture never before transcribed
by Dr. William L. Pierce
I WANT TO talk to you some more this evening about ethics and about behavior, in particular about the way in which we should behave. Last week we saw a couple of interesting films on man’s origins and on animal behavior, and let me remind…

Creating a New Society
by Dr. William L. Pierce
A WONDERFUL THING about the philosophy which governs our movement is that it is very simple — it is completely summed up in our Affirmation — and yet it is all-inclusive. It tells us everything we need to know. Everything is derived from it.
It tells, for example,…

Identity, Purpose, Survival
“Identity, Purpose, Survival” is an early Cosmotheist-related article written by Dr. William Pierce
by Dr. William L. Pierce
DEAR FRIENDS, we have come a long way in five months. Do not be deceived by the brevity or the seeming ease of our progress. What we have learned so far can be stated…

The Superman: The Purpose of the Universe, the Meaning of Life
by Savitri Devi Extracts from Defiance
Edited by R.G. Fowler Defiance, Centennial Edition, p. 61: “My firm conviction. . . is that the highest purpose of life is to forward the growth of a superior humanity, whose role is to rule a healthy world. No means are too ruthless that can bring us nearer to that…
Edited by R.G. Fowler Defiance, Centennial Edition, p. 61: “My firm conviction. . . is that the highest purpose of life is to forward the growth of a superior humanity, whose role is to rule a healthy world. No means are too ruthless that can bring us nearer to that…