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Learning from Our Founder
William Pierce by William White Williams
and Dr. William L. Pierce NATIONAL ALLIANCE member Jim Mathias posed the following question on an Internet discussion board: While reviewing some William Pierce articles online I noted a link to an Alliance BULLETIN from the late 1990s with a title that contained…
and Dr. William L. Pierce NATIONAL ALLIANCE member Jim Mathias posed the following question on an Internet discussion board: While reviewing some William Pierce articles online I noted a link to an Alliance BULLETIN from the late 1990s with a title that contained…

Behind Liberalism
by Dr. William L. Pierce WHEN ANYONE WANTS to eliminate a problem or overcome an obstacle, it’s usually a big help to him to understand the nature of the problem or the obstacle. If he misunderstands the nature of the problem and bases his attempt to eliminate it on that misunderstanding, he’s…

A Birth Defect That Hinders Development of Racial Discrimination
by Hadding Scott PROBABLY MANY OF US have noticed that people with strange views and strange tendencies also often look strange. You may have said about some such person, “There’s something wrong with him.” There may be a sound instinct underlying such observations. It could very…

Mixed-Race People Have More Psychological Disorders
by Hadding Scott THIS FINDING of two University of California researchers is consistent with E.R. Jaensch’s theory of race-mixture as a cause of personality disorders. The Jews constitute a source of social problems, according to Jaensch, because they are a people of mixed racial origin.…

Acknowledging Our Enslavement, part 1: Mask Wearing
by Blake Hood IT’S OFTEN SAID THAT the first step in solving a problem is admitting to yourself that it exists. This seems to be a stumbling block for many racially conscious Whites — they refuse to acknowledge the depths of our enslavement. People buy into the comforting System lie that White men…

The Epic State of Mind
by John Young I HAD the opportunity to take a couple of classes at a local college at my employers’ expense. One of these classes was an American History course, which the obviously Jewish professor seized upon to make every possible point in favor of multiracialism, instill White guilt, deny…

Psychological Factors in Establishing a Presence on Mars
David Sims, in his writings published on this site, has explored the psychological factors in space travel — in his case, intergalactic travel — and proposed possible solutions. It is also extremely important that we not bring racial “diversity” and all its conflicts and…

Jung and the German Völkisch Movement
by Kerry Bolton CARL GUSTAV JUNG (1875-1961), in founding Analytical Psychology did so as a break and a contradistinction from the psychological school of his mentor Sigmund Freud. The Jungian and the Freudian stand as the contrasts between the Germanic and the Jewish world-views in the realm of psychology.…

Let’s Crush Some Delusions
American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 15, 2017 by Kevin Alfred Strom ONCE someone asked me what my purpose in life was. I answered, somewhat flippantly, that it was my lifetime duty to show White people that almost everything…

Real Power and Fake People
How White nationalists can achieve real power, and avoid defective people by David Sims IN A constitutional republic such as America used to be, the law is superior to the government, and the Constitution is the supreme law. Only an evil, corrupt government seeks to circumvent the Constitution in order…