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Deprogramming Whites from the Cult of Anti-Whiteism
by H. Millard IN George Orwell’s 1984, the masses are bombarded with slogans such as Freedom Is Slavery, War Is Peace, and Ignorance Is Strength. Now, to our ears these slogans sound absurd and internally contradictory, but in the fictional society of the book these took on meanings that seemed…

Sad Sack Says She’s Sorry
Ardern by Douglas Mercer JACINDA ARDERN is the West curling up in fetal ball, sucking its thumb, and hoping White people will go away. New Zealand has moved to redeem the sins of its past, with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern issuing a formal state apology for historic racist policing of Pacific people.On…

Racial Differences in Suitability for Police Work
With leadership like this, you know for sure that the Philadelphia Police Department is overflowing with “White racism.” Those gold stars sure are shiny! by Hadding Scott IT SHOULD be no surprise that Negroes are much less suited than Whites for police work, given the self-control and…

Normal Men’s Physiological Response to Seeing Two Men Kissing: Same as Seeing Rotting Flesh and Maggots
IN HETEROSEXUAL men, pictures of rotting flesh, maggots and spoiled food induce the same physiological stress response as pictures of two men kissing each other. That is the surprising finding that was published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Psychology & Sexuality. “We originally…

Zealous (Pseudo) Scientists
“Nessie,” as the slob press have named her: The New York Post used this artist’s conception to illustrate their 2018 story “Scotland’s plan for when the Loch Ness Monster is caught.” by Revilo P. Oliver ANGELS ARE creations of the imagination; such beings never…

Psychology: Liberals Care More About Rocks Than About Their Own Families
Study suggests that leftists have an almost precisely inverted scale of values compared to rightists. Instead of a hierarchy of concern with one’s own family, nation, and race highest on the scale, leftists place abstractions like “all objects in the universe” — including…

The Swarm Is Coming
American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 18, 2020 2020-0718 – The Swarm Is Coming.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom I WANT YOU to watch an amazing video. It’s so revealing and important,…
American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 18, 2020 2020-0718 – The Swarm Is Coming.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom I WANT YOU to watch an amazing video. It’s so revealing and important,…

There’s Only One Way
American Dissident Voices broadcast of May 25, 2019 by Kevin Alfred Strom 2019-0525 There’s Only One Way.mp3 (For those who are having trouble with our new popout audio player, or who want to directly download our radio programs, please…

Homeless Jack on the Sacred Swastika
by H. Millard IF YOU’RE reading this I’m pretty sure you already know most of the history of the swastika and its variants some of which are called fylfots. We all know there are Buddhist versions, Hindu versions, National Socialist versions, ancient American Indian versions, Scandinavian…

Remembering Psychologist William McDougall (1878-1938)
WHEN THE Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences ranked the most important psychologists of all time, William McDougall was among those at the top of the list. His credentials were impressive: founder of the British Psychological Society, associate editor of the British Journal of Psychology…