Posts Tagged
Proper Morality

Whiteness Is Commanded of Us by the Creator
by H. Millard
WHEN WE WORSHIP Whiteness as a product of our DNA code, containing therein a spark of the Creator, and treat other White people with love and kindness, we automatically worship the Creator who has made us White and who commands us to reproduce ourselves and become ever more pure White and…

Self-Discipline and Moral Health
by Dr. William L. Pierce
WELL, the murder of White farmers and the gang-rape of White women by AIDS-infected Blacks continues apace in South Africa, as does the seizure and trashing of White farms in Rhodesia. Rhodesia’s Black dictator, Robert Mugabe, is boasting openly now of his intent to run…

Thoughts on Radicalism
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)
ABOUT A YEAR ago the Alliance had as a supporting member one of the wealthiest women in America. One day, however, the National Office received a letter from her which said, in effect, “I’m beginning to believe from some of the things in your paper that the National…

Proper Morality
by David Sims
ALL MORAL codes comprise a hierarchy of values. Not only do they define good and evil, but they also specify that some goods are higher than others. By doing this, however, they necessarily engage with nature’s own test of goodness, which is simply whether or not people, by the practice…