Posts Tagged
Presidential Hopefuls

Trump Rallies So Large Participants Could Form Nearly Thousand-Mile Line from KC to DC
This is interesting not so much because we are enamored of The Donald — we’re not — but because it gibes with our observations of signage at private homes, which is running at least 10 to one in favor of Trump, both of which together indicate that 1) the establishment pollsters are likely…

Good News Monday: Weekend at Hillary’s
Watch the video above — and be sure to copy and spread: For unknown but certainly highly legitimate reasons it keeps being deleted.
THIS CURRENT YEAR just keeps on delivering the goods. Just prior to this embarrassing collapse the dyke bitch…

Donald Trump: Great White Hope or Great White Hype?
by James Harting
MULTI-BILLIONAIRE and reality television star Donald Trump is running for the Republican presidential nomination. Some White voters, in anger and desperation at a political system that produces only candidates who are hostile or indifferent to their racial interests, believe…

Hillary Clinton: I Want to Be Netanyahu’s Slave
Candidate talks of “Unbreakable Bond With Israel — and Benjamin Netanyahu”; says “I requested more assistance for Israel every year”, “I am deeply committed to Israel’s future as a secure and democratic Jewish state”, and pledges that Israel will always …

First-Ever U.S. Presidential Candidates’ Forum Held Abroad in Jerusalem, Israel, November 2-4, 2015
US PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES have been invited to participate in the first-ever US Presidential Candidates’ Forum held abroad, focusing on foreign and defense policy issues. From Jerusalem, Israel, each presidential candidate will have an opportunity to present their views on U.S. foreign…

Sheldon Adelson Is Ready to Buy Presidency
EDITOR’S NOTE: Here’s how it works, psychologically: In the aggregate, Jews care more about destroying Whites than about Israel’s survival. Hence their statistical tilt toward Democrats. That is just a sidelight, though — the real salient fact is that Jewish money and…

US: Orthodox Jews and Secular Jews Compete to Buy Politicians
All politicians in the corrupt sham called “democracy” vie for Jewish favor, no matter what the Jewish flavor.
BOTH Democrat and Republican candidates know if they can appeal to Jewish donors then they have gained the jackpot. These donors tend to be wealthy and generous political contributors.…

Who the Jewish Billionaires are Backing for 2016
While the article below states that “at least one-third” of the top presidential campaign donors are Jewish, a careful read shows that the top ten donors, who are providing the bulk of the cash, are almost exclusively Jewish. More pics and data can be found going directly to The Forward article.