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Sweden: What Have Politicians Ever Given You?
Resistance Movement activists visited a sunny Karlstad last Saturday to spread the organisation’s pro-Nordic message. ON SATURDAY 19 February, a group of activists from Sweden’s Nest 5 and Nest 2 organised a public leaflet distribution in central Karlstad. The location was full of people looking…

Thoughts on Government
by Dr. William L. Pierce SOME OF MY LISTENERS tell me that I talk too much about the Jews, that I blame them for too many things, that the Jews aren’t the only ones to be blamed for the wrecking of our civilization and our culture, that there are many Jews who aren’t involved in destructive activities,…

Virginia Governor-Elect Vows “Open Door” to Non-White Invaders
What a pathetic cuck Ralph Northam is, with his “I’m a good Baptist” accent and his security men whisking him off the stage when extremist anti-White protesters got agitated, only to have him promise the anti-Whites more open borders and more invaders and more extorted support …

Garbage in Human Form Keeps Us from Reaching the Stars
by David Sims THE QUESTION WAS asked: “Do we have the technology to get to Mars?” The answer is: Yes, we do. But we have venal, self-serving, short-sighted leaders and their financial backers who act upon our country in the same way that a wad of human excrement and toilet paper clogs up a toilet.…

Israeli Operatives “Take Down” Politicians: Here’s One Who Got Caught
AN INTELLIGENCE EXPERT at the Israeli Embassy in London was sacked last night after he was caught plotting against Sir Alan Duncan, number two to British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson. Shai Masot — ‘political officer’ at Israel’s embassy on Kensington Palace Gardens — was filmed as…

The Knife Attack in Germany and Our Apostate Politicians
YOU LIVE IN a homogeneous, prosperous and spiritually healthy White nation. You are told by a tiny minority with hooked noses and weird little caps that this state of affairs is highly undesirable. First the spiritual poison is injected: fight horrific wars against your relatives, live for hedonism…

Failed Candidate Justin Fareed is Now “Rising Conservative Star” After Cash Infusion from Jewish Nursing Home Vultures
How politicians are bought in America JUSTIN FAREED is a 28-year-old Republican and a former UCLA Bruins running back. In his first bid of Congress in 2014 he did not make it past the primary. This year? He has already racked up more than $1M in donations and more than 80% of that money is coming in from people…

Interview With Jean Raspail, Prophetic Author of The Camp of the Saints
JEAN RASPAIL (pictured) published The Camp of the Saints in 1973. In the novel he describes how mass third world immigration to France leads to the destruction of Europe. The recent issue of the French magazine Valeurs Actuelles features an interview with Jean Raspail. What do you feel about the current…

A Lesson in Democracy
Mass democracy creates an environment in which amoral psychopaths naturally rise to the top.
by Dr. William L. Pierce
SEYMOUR Hersh’s new book, The Price of Power, has everyone who hates Henry Kissinger’s guts — and that’s a lot of people — chortling gleefully over all of its revelations about the former…