Posts Tagged
Political correctness

The Chinese Invasion
by Dr. William L. Pierce
IF YOU HAVE LISTENED often to my broadcasts, you probably have heard me say more than once that we must oppose the enemies of our people only by legal means at this time: that no matter how much we are tempted to ignore this warning, and no matter how morally justified violence or illegality…

Democracy of Hypocrisy
Related Content: See also William Pierce’s “The Club”
by Dr. William L. Pierce
DURING THE PAST WEEK I was very interested in some of the public reactions to Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura’s comments in a Playboy magazine interview. Governor Ventura, who was a professional…

What’s Important
by Dr. William L. Pierce
A COUPLE OF WEEKS ago we talked about the case of a young German musician, Hendrik Möbus, who was arrested by the Clinton government’s secret police while he was my guest in West Virginia. I told you that the reason for the arrest was an extradition request from the German…

Shakespeare and Democracy: Our Culture is Not Being Passed On to Future Generations
by Dr. William L. Pierce
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE is out. Maya Angelou, Frantz Fanon, and W.E.B. DuBois are in. I’m talking about fashion at American universities.
There’s been some discussion in the mass media recently about the fact that American universities are phasing out Shakespeare…

Switzerland: White Genocide = OK; Showing White Genocide = Not OK
THERE’S A big fuss in the Swiss MSM just now about a photo of a Zurich school class that was being circulated on social media by members of the “far right” PNOS party (Partei der Eidgenossen) [Eidgenossen literally means oathbound but is also used to refer to the Swiss people in general].
All these…

Germany and America (Classic ADV Broadcast, 1999)
by Dr. William L. Pierce
LAST WEEK we talked about conditions in Germany, where I had been to address a congress of the National Democratic Party of Germany. I emphasized two things: the racial and cultural degradation of Germany during 54 years of rule by an Occupation government and the lack of freedom…

The Culture of Lies
by Dr. William L. Pierce
A TIME-HONORED saying is, “All is fair in love and war.” Certainly, it seems a reasonable saying and one in accord with Nature. It expresses the fact that when at war even otherwise honorable men resort to trickery, deceit, and outright lying. In a strictly personal…

Down the Slippery Slope
by Dr. William L. Pierce
I’VE HAD MANY COMMENTS on my program of three weeks ago — that was the one in which I told you about the breakup of a child-pornography ring in Moscow which kidnapped Russian children, raped and sexually tortured them in front of cameras, and then sold videos of the…

Corrupting Our Police
by Dr. William L. Pierce
THERE’S CERTAINLY MUCH more that I could say about this sorry spectacle of a presidential election we’ve been experiencing than I said last week — and later we will talk more about the significance of the election — but today I want to return to a subject…

The Elephant in the Room: The Holocaust, part 1
The “official versions” of historical events are often extremely questionable, and we ought to doubt them.
IF AN AUTHORITY FIGURE — perhaps a parent or teacher — tells a young child an untruth, the child may believe without question the person whom he or she recognizes as someone important…