Posts Tagged

Political correctness


Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned against “Political Correctness taken to the point of absurdity.” RUSSIAN Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Thursday warned that anti-White racism might be building in the United States and said that Political Correctness “taken to the…
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by George Mosley SOME JEW in the Jewish Village Voice once gave a rundown of the Jew show Transparent by writing that it chronicles: “adultery, abortion, threesomes, lesbians, transgenders, interracial hook-ups.” That is, sexual “freedom” at the end of the world. An ultramontane…
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Greg Clarke, now ex-chairman of the Football Association GREG CLARKE, chairman of the Football Association, governing body in England for the world’s most popular sport, was forced to resign this week after using a forbidden racial word: not ‘n****r’ or ‘c**n’ or ‘w*g’ or ‘y*d’ — but merely…
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by Paul Fromm BRITISH ACTRESS, model and longtime videographer (through her company Telling Films) and free speech activist Lady Michele Renouf was to go on trial in Dresden, Germany on October 16. We can’t report on the proceedings because neither Lady Michele nor her associate and publicist …
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This picture was definitely not staged by an ad agency. There’ll always be an England. THE LATEST ROUND of Jew-funded Afromania has begun. Aunt Jemima was blasted while sleeping by “racist” officers. Destroying property will fix everything. The Negro will start improving tomorrow,…
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DON’T KNOW about you but I’ve had it up to my teeth with Black ‘communities’ everywhere. I’m suffering from Negro Fatigue. The endless drumbeat of whining, bitching and complaining about the discrimination from which they allegedly suffer, the rioting and looting…
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“Raaaaay-cissssss!!!” At first I thought this was parody. But no. Welcome to Insane Woke World, formerly known as the United States of America. The author of this dreck, excerpted below, is a half-Jewish part-Black establishment hack writer named David Kaufman, who says in another
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims STEFAN Molyneux: So we’re now posturing as Politically Correct, are we? “Contrary to what my detractors say, I am not a white supremacist.” I might play Devil’s Advocate and argue for why you should be a White supremacist, if you can by any means qualify for that…
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by Frederick Dixon WHEN I STARTED work, most of my male colleagues, if they were beyond their mid-thirties, had been in the forces during the Second World War, and I fondly remember one old boy who had fought in the First! More than one of them had decorations for bravery, and there were a few empty sleeves…
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As more lectures go online because of the coronavirus pandemic, some professors are worried that what they’re teaching could be exposed to “right wing sites” and are discussing ways to limit the distribution of what they teach online. GOOD NEWS, communist indoctrination center victims! The Clown…
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