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EssaysJohn MassaroNews

Trudeau by John Massaro MUCH HAS BEEN HAPPENING on the Covid front. At present, the media have bigger fish to fry in the Ukraine, their newest global “crisis,” and the intensity of the injection campaign has slacked off. (Don’t let that shifting of media attention fool you into believing…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims A GOOD POLICE officer is a boon to his country. Unfortunately, the good ones are on the decline. Many resigned during the months when their elected bosses ordered them to violate the constitutional rights of the people, using the coronavirus pandemic as a justification. Now, in an economy…
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David SimsEssaysNews

Mostly peaceful Kenosha 2020: chimplike profiles, “fros,” and buildings on fire by David Sims ON 23 August 2020, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, a male Black named Jacob Blake, age 29, attacked police officers with a knife. In response, the police first tased him twice, but the tasers didn’t…
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Douglas MercerGuest opinionNews

It has all the charm of a run-down penal institution. by Douglas Mercer THE JEWS are celebrating what they libelously call the “infamous” killing of George Floyd now. They are doing it in a “Holocaust” museum. These Jews, they really have no shame. Many well-informed people know that the killing of George…
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SOMETIMES the British Police Force can perform like a well-oiled machine, operating with smooth efficiency and at lightning speed. Like this case when a supporter in a crowd of 75,000 made a monkey gesture towards a Black footballer. Within minutes the cops arrived, sirens wailing, blue lights flashing.…
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This picture was definitely not staged by an ad agency. There’ll always be an England. THE LATEST ROUND of Jew-funded Afromania has begun. Aunt Jemima was blasted while sleeping by “racist” officers. Destroying property will fix everything. The Negro will start improving tomorrow,…
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Faith and begorrah, those clever Jewish people were right; now that it’s not all White anymore the charms of the Emerald Isle increase by the day. DROGHEDA (a town near Dublin) and its police force experienced diversity up close and personal last week. According to the Irish Independent, “FIVE…
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by David Sims LET ME address myself to the police officers of San Francisco. I saw on one of Stefan Molyneux’s videos the meeting between officers in your department and members of the public on the subject of personal safety versus criminals. Some of the advice I heard seemed unsound. In particular,…
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AS OUR DYING NATION gets darker and dumber formerly trustworthy institutions are going to sag under the Brown burden and eventually collapse. For example, I often discuss the 90 I.Q. police heroes responsible for protecting us from the encroaching rot. As it turns out, the numerical indicator of the…
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by Blake Hood IS IT Volkish to criticize our own working class? Yes, because we do it with the desire to see them be stronger and better than they are now. We know they have the potential to become Volkish and live good, fulfilling lives once again. With this in mind, it’s time to address the biggest failing…
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