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The Making of Presidents
by Revilo P. Oliver
ONE SEES from time to time in the press muted reports that all is not well in Poland. There have even been photographs of shipyards and factories that have been closed since the beatitude of “democracy” was bestowed on that unhappy land. One has to infer that the Americans’…

Poland Agrees to Pay Jewish WW2 “Survivors” $2.6 Million per Month
Even though by no stretch of the imagination could Poles — who suffered under Communism for decades as a result of the war — have been at fault; this is one of the smaller of innumerable structured “deals” under which Jews have extracted billions from Switzerland, Germany,…

Hitler and the Slavs in Historical Perspective
by James Harting
Adolf Hitler: German Chancellor or Pan-Aryan Leader?
CONTEMPORARY National Socialists view Adolf Hitler as the symbolic leader of the whole of the Aryan race. I, personally, believe that this conception of Hitler is correct and I embrace it enthusiastically. In Mein Kampf and elsewhere,…

Rosenberg on Christianity
by Alfred Rosenberg (pictured)
from his Memoirs (1946) WHAT [HITLER’S] OWN beliefs were he never told me in so many words. Once, at table, he said a high-placed Italian had asked him point-blank what his religious beliefs were. He had begged permission not to answer that question. In his speeches…
from his Memoirs (1946) WHAT [HITLER’S] OWN beliefs were he never told me in so many words. Once, at table, he said a high-placed Italian had asked him point-blank what his religious beliefs were. He had begged permission not to answer that question. In his speeches…

“Polish” Group’s Legal Action Against David Irving
A [Jewish — Ed.] human rights group in Poland is taking legal action against the British revisionist David Irving for “minimizing” the scale of Nazi atrocities, the Jerusalem Post reports. Irving is currently on a tour of former Nazi death camps and the Warsaw Ghetto. The “Open Republic…

Russia Hands Over More Katyn Massacre Documents
RUSSIAN PROSECUTORS will hand over more documents on the Katyn massacre to Poland on Thursday, a spokesman for the Russian Prosecutor General’s office said.
…”On September 23, a total of 20 volumes of documents concerning the execution of Polish nationals in Katyn will be handed…