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Germany: Anti-White Politicians “Made to Cry” by Patriotic Protesters
LEFTIST POLITICIANS were jeered by pro-White protesters and called “traitors to the people” outside of the Church of Our Lady in Dresden where Merkel and others were gathered to celebrate the “German Day of Unity.”

Out in Force at Dresden PEGIDA After IS Attack in France
FROM Deutsche Welle: The police state is also out in force. (ILLUSTRATION: Over 12,000 anti-refugee and ‘anti-Islamic Europe’ demonstrators filled the Theaterplatz by the famous Semperoper tonight, while only about 1000 counter-demonstrators showed up to shout down what they…

German Politicians: Don’t Protest or Worry About Millions of Invaders
Instead shed tears over a few Jews’ broken windows 77 years ago.
DRESDEN’S MAYOR says there’s nothing he can do to stop an anti-Islam group from staging a rally on the 77th anniversary of a Nazi pogrom. (Dresden’s Mayor Dirk Hilbert)
About 10,000 people are expected to attend…

Germany: Non-White Invaders Occupy Union Offices; White Protests Build to Massive Levels
THE DGB building — headquarters of a union that has taken a “pro-migrant” position — was occupied for a week by violent “refugees,” demanding a variety of privileges. Nothing would satisfy the aggressive, semi-barbarian non-Whites, whose sense of entitlement…

Thousands of Germans March to the Border to Protect it from Islamic Invaders
THE GERMAN resistance is growing by the day. We have already seen over 20,000 regularly showing up in Dresden to emphatically state that Germany is for Germans, but this past weekend saw patriotic Germans in Saxony going to the border to stand up for their folk.
It is estimated that 3,000 activists congregated…