Posts Tagged
Paul Fromm

Canada: Anti-White Hysteria Over Deaths at WW1-era Indian Schools
THERE ARE much better explanations for the deaths at Indian Residential Schools than those given by the Jewish-controlled and government media. (ILLUSTRATION: photo of Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops) Over the last two weeks of June, 2021, Canadian radio and television have been going hysterical…

Lady Michele Renouf’s Thought Crimes Trial in Germany Suddenly Adjourned, Gag Order Imposed
by Paul Fromm BRITISH ACTRESS, model and longtime videographer (through her company Telling Films) and free speech activist Lady Michele Renouf was to go on trial in Dresden, Germany on October 16. We can’t report on the proceedings because neither Lady Michele nor her associate and publicist …

Lady Michele Renouf to Face Trial in Dresden for Criticizing Allied Firebombing
Lady Michele Renouf by Paul Fromm “Michèle, your fearless and direct utterances in Dresden, unfortunately forbidden to all Germans, blew open the window of truth in one blast.” said Gerard Menuhin, son of legendary violinist and conductor Yehudi Menuhin, in February 2018 ON 16th October 2020 an…

Canada: Massive Police Raid on Brad Love, Faces Soviet-Style Prosecution for Pamphlets, Posters Criticizing Immigration Policy
Former political prisoner Brad Love raided by six Mounties looking for glue, posters and Canadian immigration hotlines by Paul Fromm FORT McMurray, October 2, 2020. At 9:15 this morning, no fewer than six members of the local RCMP detachment raided a townhouse here shared by political activist and…

Lady Renouf’s Trial For Telling Truths at Dresden Memorial Opens on May 15
Lady Michele Renouf by Paul Fromm “Michèle, your fearless and direct utterances in Dresden, unfortunately forbidden to all Germans, blew open the window of truth in one blast,” said Gerard Menuhin, son of legendary violinist and conductor Yehudi Menuhin, in February 2018 ON 15th May 2020 an Australian-born…

Canada: Free Speech Meeting to Support Evalion Shut Down by Terrorist Vandals
by Paul Fromm NOT THAT “anti-racists” (anti-racism is a code word for anti-White) or Social Justice Warriors are any strangers to violence but they have become downright hysterical since the Trump Phenomenon. The Alternative Forum and the Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE) had arranged…

Paul Fromm: Whites Under Attack in America and South Africa
THE ENABLING ideology of “White privilege” and the imposition of “White guilt” have neutralized and scuppered White responses to the genocide-on-the-installment plan that is being carried out against them everywhere, but nowhere so obviously as in the USA and South …

The McCorkill Case Explained by Paul Fromm
IN THESE TWO videos (second video below), Canadian free speech leader Paul Fromm explains how the McCorkill inheritance and free speech case was tragically lost. He is speaking with Buddhist truth activist and, as he describes it, “occasional troublemaker” Brian Ruhe. Mr. Fromm explains…

It’s 1984 on the Canadian Border
Free speech activist Paul Fromm denied entry to US IN THE same week that one illegal alien out of tens of millions currently hiding out in the United States murdered a California woman in broad daylight, U.S. law enforcement denied entry to a conservative Canadian activist who was coming to the …

The McCorkill Legacy: Can Bequests be Overturned for Ideological Reasons?
by Paul Fromm Canadian Association for Free Expression CAN YOU BEQUEATH your money to whomever you like? Until last May, that might have seemed a silly question. However, the enemies of free speech are nothing if not determined and we are living, it seems, in Absurdistan. Last May, the Southern Poverty…