Posts Tagged

Party Politics


No, there will not be a ballot-box solution to our problems. But Rick Tyler is getting a good deal of publicity for some important ideas — as he moves the Overton Window several feet in the correct direction. AN INDEPENDENT candidate for Congress from Tennessee has been swept up in a wave of criticism…
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PATHETIC America: The current leading candidates for the 2016 US Presidential election can be described thus: Republicans: 1. A real estate billionaire/reality TV star who is beloved by White racialists and right-wing gamesters despite being an ignorant buffoon, defending affirmative action,…
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by James Harting SOME OF YOU may be ancient enough to remember the original Star Trek television series back in the 1960s. During their downtime, the crew members were occasionally shown playing a version of three-dimensional chess. It is like traditional chess, only exponentially more complex.…
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Just as in America, the idea of changing or reversing anti-white trends through party-politics is a virtual dead-end in Britain. This also tends to be the case throughout all of Europe, unfortunately. POLITICAL PARTIES and the democratic system will be unable to prevent Britain—and many other western…
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