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Will We Survive the Great Filter?
by David Sims THERE’S SOME ARGUMENT about whether there is a Great Filter for the evolution of Life that lies in the future. We can recognize some achievements of the Life of Earth that occurred in the past: • The formation of replicating molecules
• The formation of single-celled organisms via…
• The formation of single-celled organisms via…

Revilo Oliver’s “What We Owe Our Parasites” part 3
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 14 March, 2020 2020-0314 – Revilo Oliver’s What We Owe Our Parasites part 3.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom WE MUST CHANGE our societies if we are to survive — and change them radically. We must…

Revilo Oliver’s “What We Owe Our Parasites” part 2
What are the qualities of mind and soul that make us White people what we are? And how have those qualities been exploited to our detriment by those who wish to do us harm? American Dissident Voices broadcast of 7 March, 2020 2020-0307 – Revilo…

Revilo Oliver’s “What We Owe Our Parasites” part 1
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 29 February, 2020 2020-0229 – Revilo Oliver’s What We Owe Our Parasites part 1.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom THE SPEECH you are about to hear changed my life. It marks the first major speech by the…

Moral Prism of the Parasite
by David Sims I REMEMBER that once, many years ago, on Ted Koppel’s Nightline television program, Ted was interviewing a Jewish man who claimed to be a “Holocaust survivor.” The Jewish man related a story about how, while he was living in South America, he had wormed his way into the…

Israeli Cyber-Attack Firm: Named After a Literal Human-Invading Parasite
IF YOU ENTER the lobby of the Tel Aviv building that acts as its headquarters, you won’t find its name in the directory. You also won’t find a Web site for it because it doesn’t have one. Its 120 or so employees don’t post profiles on LinkedIn and sign strict confidentiality agreements. Inquiries elicit…

Real-Life ‘Zombie’ Animals Walk the Earth Thanks to Thousands of Parasites
Knowledge of parasitism — even mind-control “zombie-making” parasitism, and parasitism by species closely related to the host — is increasing by leaps and bounds these days. This growing awareness is even making its way into the popular press, as the Gizmodo article (the…

The Thing: Parasite of Worlds
JOHN CARPENTER’S The Thing is one of the best films ever made about an intrusive and subversive force. While the film’s overt theme is a visceral and biological subversion akin to a virus, there are also profound metaphorical elements and these go beyond the situations that the characters experience…

Jewish Rat Stabs America in the Back and Twists the Knife
By Dissident Millennial IN A MALICIOUS outpouring of Semitic filth titled “Only Mass Deportations Can Save America,” Bret Stephens of the New York Times “jokingly” suggests that America would be better off disposing of its native citizenry rather than its Third World immigrants:
In the matter of…

Parasite’s Folly Redux
American Dissident Voices broadcast of June 3, 2017
by Kevin Alfred Strom
PARASITES ARE disgusting. The tapeworm. The tick. The leech. The brown-headed cowbird. I’ve recently been dealing with a huge, bloated brown-headed…