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May Day: A Holy Day for White People
by Survive the Jive
ALL AROUND Europe there are ancient pagan ceremonies on the 1st of May which used to be dedicated to the goddess of dawn. In Ireland they have Beltane, and in England there was Maypole and Morris dancing which used to be for the Anglo-Saxon goddess “Eostre” from German…

Is Halloween Pagan?
IS HALLOWEEN evil? Where does All Soul’s Day come from? How have the different pagan festivals of Europe influenced the way it is celebrated today? Many European pagans celebrated an annual feast of the dead, from the Celtic Samhain to the Slavic Dziady. This indicates a common Indo-European…

From Runes to Ruins
Our ancestors were ripped away from their ancient traditions by a Semitic cult more than a thousand years ago; many of today’s social problems are connected to this little-considered but important factor.
SURVIVE THE JIVE explains his motivation for creating a film that is meant to contribute…

Iceland to Build First Temple to Norse Gods Since Viking Age
A modern version of Norse paganism has been gaining popularity in recent years as followers see the stories as metaphors for life, not worship of the gods.
ICELANDERS WILL SOON be able to publicly worship at a shrine to Thor, Odin and Frigg with construction starting this month on the island’s first…

American Dissident Voices: What is Right and What is Wrong
American Dissident Voices broadcast of January 4, 2014
by Kevin Alfred Strom
EACH OF US has only a few years to live. At our conception, we awaken from a sleep that has lasted for millions of centuries. We walk this Earth for a few paltry years.…