Posts Tagged
Orwell Alert

Orwell Alert — Sexual Bolshevism Takes Over U.K. Advertising
An important point to keep in mind regarding the story below is that apparently all of the major U.K. advertisers agreed to submit to the censorship imposed by the “Advertising Standards Authority”. Now why on earth would any company whose sole responsibility it is to sell products…

Orwell Alert — L.A. Times: White Progressives Should Sacrifice Their Kids to End White Privilege
White progressive parents and the conundrum of privilege
by Margaret A. Hagerman
Greg and Sarah live in a predominantly white neighborhood and send their children to a predominantly white private school. “I don’t want to believe we are hypocrites,” Greg tells me. “But if we say diversity is important…

Orwell Alert — America’s “Special” Relationship with Israel… in the United States of Clown-World
Why Confronting Israel is Important
The Jewish State is No Friend
by Philip Giraldi
I am often asked why I have this “thing” about Israel, with friends suggesting that I would be much more respected as a pundit if I were to instead concentrate on national security and political corruption. The problem…

Orwell Alert: A Picture that Says a Thousand Words — “Life in Soviet America”
Subtitle: On Living in an Occupied Country…
Welcome to the Terror that is Upon Us.
* * *
Source: Dissident Millennial…

Orwell Alert: Video of the Day — Libtards Perform “Two Minutes Hate”
Like the Soviet Union of yore, contemporary America is in the grip of an ideology, a system of ideas not derived from any empirical study of the world around us, but which provides an account of the world, establishes an aim to be pursued and rules for pursuing it, and (most importantly) legitimates the…

Orwell Alert: Jew Media Insists American Prosperity Depends Upon Turning America into a Third World Country
Talk about a notion that is beyond crazy. There is no reasoning with these maniacs. Our survival depends upon them being stripped of their citizenship, divested of their ill-gained lucre, and sent packing.
NOAH Smith in Bloomberg View for May 24th, 2017, writes:
Without immigration, mostly…