Posts Tagged
Origins of Christianity

The Origins of Christianity, part 9
A depiction of Ahura Mazda by Revilo P. Oliver CHAPTER NINE:
ZOROASTER WITH SO MUCH of a prolegomenon, and with an iteration of the proviso that we are trying only to summarize the bare essentials of a subject that is almost infinitely complex, we may turn to Christianity, which, as everyone should know,…
ZOROASTER WITH SO MUCH of a prolegomenon, and with an iteration of the proviso that we are trying only to summarize the bare essentials of a subject that is almost infinitely complex, we may turn to Christianity, which, as everyone should know,…

The Origins of Christianity, part 8
by Revilo P. Oliver CHAPTER EIGHT:
BELIEF _______
THEOKTONY IN CONCLUDING this highly, and perhaps excessively, condensed prolegomenon, we must notice a fact of the utmost importance in the history of religions. There is a relatively high mortality rate among the immortals. The basis…
BELIEF _______
THEOKTONY IN CONCLUDING this highly, and perhaps excessively, condensed prolegomenon, we must notice a fact of the utmost importance in the history of religions. There is a relatively high mortality rate among the immortals. The basis…

The Origins of Christianity, part 7
by Revilo P. Oliver CHAPTER SEVEN:
LYING FOR THE LORD WHEN PROFESSIONAL PRIESTS undertake to bolster the faith of their congregations by producing historical documents to substantiate their doctrines they face obstacles that are inversely proportional to the ignorance of their customers. The…
LYING FOR THE LORD WHEN PROFESSIONAL PRIESTS undertake to bolster the faith of their congregations by producing historical documents to substantiate their doctrines they face obstacles that are inversely proportional to the ignorance of their customers. The…

The Origins of Christianity, part 6
by Revilo P. Oliver CHAPTER SIX:
SHAMANS WHATEVER the origin of professional priesthoods and their claim that a strange expertise is necessary to mediate between their human customers and the invisible supernatural beings that are supposed to have power over nature, that origin was also the beginning…
SHAMANS WHATEVER the origin of professional priesthoods and their claim that a strange expertise is necessary to mediate between their human customers and the invisible supernatural beings that are supposed to have power over nature, that origin was also the beginning…

The Origins of Christianity, part 5
by Revilo P. Oliver CHAPTER FIVE:
_______ RITUAL A RELIGIOUS RITUAL is a fixed sequence of acts (often including speech) performed to make magic by influencing supernatural forces. Most rituals began at a time so remote and among men so primitive that they may antedate our race;…
_______ RITUAL A RELIGIOUS RITUAL is a fixed sequence of acts (often including speech) performed to make magic by influencing supernatural forces. Most rituals began at a time so remote and among men so primitive that they may antedate our race;…

The Origins of Christianity, part 4
by Revilo P. Oliver CHAPTER THREE:
MONOTHEISM MONOTHEISM is a quite unusual form of religion and one which creates difficulties for even its most adroit theologians. If it is a theism, its god must be a superhuman person, conscious and accessible to his votaries. Thus religions which posit an impersonal…
MONOTHEISM MONOTHEISM is a quite unusual form of religion and one which creates difficulties for even its most adroit theologians. If it is a theism, its god must be a superhuman person, conscious and accessible to his votaries. Thus religions which posit an impersonal…

The Origins of Christianity, part 3
Robert Ardrey by Revilo P. Oliver CHAPTER TWO:
WE LIVE IN A TIME in which there is much talk about “religious freedom.” It is assumed that beliefs about the supernatural are a “private matter” which every individual has a right to determine for himself.…
WE LIVE IN A TIME in which there is much talk about “religious freedom.” It is assumed that beliefs about the supernatural are a “private matter” which every individual has a right to determine for himself.…

The Origins of Christianity, part 2
by Revilo P. Oliver CHAPTER ONE:
RELIGION RELIGION, which we may define as a belief in the existence of praeter-human and supernatural beings, is a phenomenon limited to several human species, since it depends on rudimentary powers of reason and relatively developed powers of imagination. We may…
RELIGION RELIGION, which we may define as a belief in the existence of praeter-human and supernatural beings, is a phenomenon limited to several human species, since it depends on rudimentary powers of reason and relatively developed powers of imagination. We may…

The Origins of Christianity, part 1
by Revilo P. Oliver INTRODUCTION OF THE MANY PROBLEMS that confront us today, none is more vexing than that of the relation of Christianity to Western Civilization. None, certainly, causes more acrimonious controversy and internecine hostility between the members of the race which created that…