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Ten Things We Didn’t Know About the CIA Before Last Week
Recent events in Washington have also shown us that the CIA is in opposition to even mild civic nationalism. It now seems very unlikely that there is a White, patriotic, racially-conscious faction there.
WIKILEAKS’ Vault 7 release of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) documents yesterday opened…

Epstein’s Hatchet Job on Snowden
by Ray McGovern
IN DEPICTING National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden as a Russian spy, author Edward Jay Epstein acknowledges his debt to the CIA’s famously paranoid counterintelligence chief James Jesus Angleton, who specialized in counterintuitive thinking that surely smeared…

Some Sketches on Vertical Geographies
by Trevor Paglen
I’VE LONG THOUGHT that conventional understandings of geography were a little too “horizontal”. That geographical concepts such as production, uneven development, territory, scale, geopolitics and the like tended to be theorized on an assumed horizontal plane of human…

Yahoo’s Massive, Hidden E-mail Search Would be First of its Kind, if True
THERE ARE SOME firsts that don’t give you bragging rights — and in Yahoo’s case, that’s particularly true if the claim involves customer emails.
A Reuters report Tuesday that Yahoo secretly agreed to search all its users’ incoming emails for a specific but unknown…

NSA Monitors Israel, Catches Corrupt Congressmen
Treasonous legislators empowered the spies who caught them; Jews and their bought politicians wail loudly
IN A STORY that shows that Jewish-American lobbyists and journalists have very little self-awareness, Adam Entous and Danny Yadron thought that it would be a good idea to publish a story in…

NSA Spies Reveal Congress/Jewish Lobby Link
THE JEWISH LOBBY controls the US Congress to such a degree that the National Security Agency’s (NSA) surveillance of the Israeli government ended up effectively spying on the House and Senate, it has emerged.
This fact is revealed within the latest so-called “NSA spying on Israel scandal,” which…

AT&T an “Eager Partner” of Regime’s NSA
A new analysis of documents leaked by Edward Snowden highlights massive surveillance efforts with special help from AT&T.
A FRESH analysis of documents disclosed by former U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowden shows that AT&T has been a much closer and eager partner for the National…

France: Socialist Government Rejects Asylum for Assange
Assange has been confined to Ecuadorian embassy for three years; Disputed Swedish sex crime charges could be pretext for kidnapping by Washington regime, he fears.
FRANCE swiftly rejected on Friday a request for asylum by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange (pictured).
The founder of the transparency…

Greek Community Creates an Off-The-Grid Internet
IN AN effort to buck the expensive rates of unreliable corporate telecom companies, a community in Athens, Greece, has created its own private Internet.
Built from a network of wireless rooftop antennas, the Athens Wireless Metropolitan Network (AWMN) now has more than 1,000 members. Data moves…

New York City: “Unauthorized” Bust of Edward Snowden Appears Overnight
Monumental sculpture is in the tradition of European civilization; Brooklyn “authorities” cover it immediately.
NEW YORK CITY Parks workers have covered up a statue of National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden that was secretly installed overnight. The 100-lb bust was erected…
NEW YORK CITY Parks workers have covered up a statue of National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden that was secretly installed overnight. The 100-lb bust was erected…