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The Danevirke and Offa’s Dyke
Denmark, showing the locations of the ancient Danish wall and Viking trading hub of Hedeby. Germany is south of the wall, southern Sweden hangs down from the upper right. by Andrew Hamilton DENMARK OCCUPIES the Jutland Peninsula. In the south, where the peninsula joins the mainland, the prehistoric…

PC Leftists Corrupt and Distort Ancient Nordic Religion
The Icelander Ríkharður Magnússon discusses our Old Norse beliefs and the ways in which they have been distorted in the modern era. I WON’T DELVE deeply into the Old Norse beliefs in this article; rather the purpose here is to confront and clear up some of the distortions and false information…

A United North
HERE YOU CAN read about the Resistance Movement’s vision of a united Nordic nation and what it stands for, as opposed to the globalists’ vision of a world with open borders. Taken from the campaign page The world is becoming increasingly bound by the globalists’ chains and the unique…

Who We Are #21 — Vikings and Northmen
By Dr. William L. Pierce
Mighty Saga of the Northmen Ninth and 10th Centuries Were Era of Viking Triumphs in Western Europe Purest White Heritage Survives in North Atlantic Land Scarcity, Spirit of Heroism Impelled Vikings Militant Christianity, Lack of Northern Solidarity Bring End to Viking Age…

Who We Are #11 — Indo-European Conquerors, Aryans
By Dr. William L. Pierce
Indo-Europeans Conquered Middle East, Perished through Racemixing Mighty Hittite Empire Was Built by Nordics, Destroyed by Nordics Aryan Warriors Ruled Persian Empire, India Only Total Separation Can Preserve Racial Quality
BEFORE WE DEAL with the next Indo-European…