Posts Tagged
Nordic Resistance
Real Environmental Problems
In this article, Nest Chief Daniel Gerdås explains his views on the so-called climate crisis and other more tangible environmental problems. NOBODY CAN have possibly escaped the daily climate hysteria fed to us by the media. “We have 10 years to change things before it’s too late.” “The glaciers are…
White Lives Matter Demonstration in Örebro, Sweden
The Nordic Resistance Movement held a White Lives Matter flash demonstration in Örebro, Sweden. ACTIVISTS and members from the Nordic Resistance Movement went to the county capital Örebro on Saturday, 7 November, to hold a flash demonstration. The weather on the day was cloudy and a little windy,…
Everyone is Needed in the Struggle
The leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement writes about membership, folk community and why all of our people are needed in the struggle. by Simon Lindberg THERE ARE SOME who believe the struggle should exclude those who are not sufficiently fit, intelligent or attractive. They say they do more damage…
Swedish Pervert Festival Countered by NRM
AT THE END OF September, activists from Nest 2 gathered to protest against the Skövde Pride festival and inform the townspeople what the LGBTQP lobby really stands for. The activists were also forced to deal with a large and unruly man who thought he could disrupt the Resistance Movement’s action. The…
Sweden: Nordic Resistance Movement Shows Us Outreach Is Fulfilling and Fun
ON SATURDAY the 19th of October, activists from the Nordic Resistance Movement spread their message in central Södertälje. Södertälje is one of the Swedish cities where the replacement of the Swedes by foreigners has gone the furthest. There are still White people living in the city, but it is hardly…
Nordic Resistance Movement: Outreach in Norway
Public leafleting makes a positive impression. ACTIVISTS AND MEMBERS from Nest 6 in Norway recently held a well-received public leaflet distribution in Stavanger. The Resistance men began the day on Stavanger’s Torget town square in the city centre, where they stood with Tyr rune flags, giving out…
We Dare to Win and Write History Again and Again
by Simon Lindberg Last week’s public action in Iceland was one of many milestones in the Nordic struggle for freedom. Here the leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement discusses this and other groundbreaking activities. THE Nordic Resistance Movement is a revolutionary movement in both rhetoric…
Denmark: Nordic Resistance Movement Flash Demonstration in Viborg
AN ACTIVIST GROUP from the Danish branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement held a large-scale activity in the city of Viborg at the weekend. At around 12 o’clock on Saturday 13 July, the activist group blitzed onto…
AN ACTIVIST GROUP from the Danish branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement held a large-scale activity in the city of Viborg at the weekend. At around 12 o’clock on Saturday 13 July, the activist group blitzed onto…
Sweden: Violent Leftists Get Their Comeuppance on the Streets of Lund
AFTER THE recent tumultuous activity in Lund, when the reds confronted the Resistance Movement — and then wished they hadn’t – representatives from Nest 3 promised they would soon return to the town. This promise was fulfilled on 29 June. The activism took place in the same location as last time.…
Resistance Movement Protest Against “Pride” in Ludvika
“Back in the closet with you!” ON SATURDAY 15 June, another “Pride” parade organised by the LGBTQ movement took place in Ludvika, much to the consternation of all decent local people. Before the event, the organisers boasted about how they were going to organise a Pride parade for the second year in a…