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Aboriginal Culture
YOU KNOW THAT some time ago while in office, former Oz PM Kevin Rudd took some time off from arranging mass immigration of non-Whites to make a heartfelt apology to his “Aboriginal fellow countrymen.”
In a speech to Parliament he almost wept, saying “for the indignity and degradation thus inflicted…
In a speech to Parliament he almost wept, saying “for the indignity and degradation thus inflicted…
Non-Whites, Traitors, Zionists Dominate UK Politics
Munira Mirza with Prime Minister Boris Johnson: her resignation could be the beginning of the end for his premiership The strange alliance bringing down Britain’s Prime Minister THIS WEEK a possibly fatal blow was landed on the embattled Prime Minister Boris Johnson – a blow from what is in theory his…
Envy, Hate, Violence, and Space Exploration
by David Sims THE REASON for the non-White hatred of Whites is envy, which causes resentment, which leads to a deeply ingrained hatred. Which also results in their continuous violence against our people. What are the non-Whites envious of? Just as an example, Whites can climb the sky, while Blacks and…
Oregon: Governor Removes All Reading, Writing, Math Requirements to “Help Students of Color”
Kate Brown OPENLY bisexual Oregon Governor Kate Brown quietly signed a bill last month that removed the requirement for graduating high school children in the state to be proficient in reading, writing, and math, in an effort to aid “students of color.” Brown signed Senate Bill 744 on July 14, but did…
The Fatal Accident
Heroic crime-stopping window I’M SOMETIMES overwhelmed by how healthy the kosher corpse of my dead nation really is. It should be weeks, maybe years even, before it completely decomposes. In the meantime, we’re going to have a lot of fun with poison vaccines, foreign invasion, hyperinflation,…
Two Kinds of Aggression
by David Sims DNA testing has shown that, among illegal immigrants crossing into the United States with children, there is no biological family relationship between the adults and the children in about one third of cases. The children were either “rented” — or kidnapped from their…
The Overall Message
PLEASE WATCH the following amazing video. A mystery meat reporterette offers the usual fake news about “not seeing the violence” as a preface to a non-White Soros mob demonstrating against our most basic right to defend our lives and property. Well, if you didn’t actually see it,…
Seattle-Area Councilman: Hosing Feces-Covered Sidewalks Might Be “Racially Insensitive”
A BLACK COUNCILMAN in Seattle is reportedly opposed to hosing sidewalks that reek of excrement near a local courthouse because he fears that it might be “racially insensitive.” No, this is not a joke. The area surrounding King County Superior Court includes a homeless shelter and other…
The State as Pimp: the Brainwashing of German Girls
IN THIS POWERFUL video, the German version of which was quickly deleted from YouTube, Martin Sellner exposes the brainwashing of German girls by the state into entering into sexual relationships with non-White male invaders. [This is doubtlessly done under Jewish influence, though Sellner does…
Hundreds Confess to Eating Human Flesh in South Africa
Before the rise of the Internet, the Jewish-controlled media used to simply deny that reports of cannibalism in Africa were real, claiming that “racists” fabricated them. Now that African news sources themselves admit the practice exists, the media can no longer maintain that lie.…